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OK ... sorry for the idiotic question ... I have just installed XPCreate, I have run it once (it created the directories), I ran it a second time (it downloaded some files) but it complained about not finding the ISO bootstrap image or something similar, on the website it has a utility for extracting one (or I guess that is what it is for) but do I extract it as files or an image into the boot folder?


Edit: I googled it I think I have my answer now ... sorry.



ok, I'm a bit new to this to but here is the deal.

XPcreate will extract the boot image for you and put it in the BOOT folder.

For this to work you must configure the XPSOURCE entry in file XPCREATE.INI to point to an actual bootable Windows XP CD, ie D: (default) or someting like that.

The BOOTIMGFILE entry is by default pointing to .\BOOT\XPCTBOOT.BIN

Hope this helps.


I hope you found the threads that mention this current ... shortcoming ... of XPCREATE. It'll be fixed upon next update. For now the easiest solution is to let XPCREATE just do it's thing without touching XPCREATE.INI the first run, then there should be less that needs tinkering with.

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