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Problem with winnt32.exe from Bartpe


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I am having Trouble when I run run My install.bat

Here's the setup

Boot from Bart PE

login to image server

map \\computername\share as I:

from run command i:\Partpe.bat which contains:-

DISKPART /s diskpartcfg.txt

FORMAT C: /fs:ntfs /q /v:Winxp /y

FORMAT D: /fs:fat32 /q /v:Data /y


select disk 0


create partition primary size=60000

select partition 1

assign letter=c


create partition extended

create partition logical

assign letter=d


This works fine.

Then I run unattend.bat

@echo off


:: Set environmental variables

set AnswerFile=i:\unattend.txt

set SetupFiles=i:\i386

%SetupFiles%\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /syspart:c: /tempdrive:d:

and get the error message:-

The specified script file (I:\unattend.txt) is inaccessible or invalid

I have double checked all paths, the unattend.txt works from a network boot floppy.

Have I got the winnt.exe syntax wrong ?

Any Help Appreciated



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In order to fix this issue you need to re do the unattended file, the problem the problem is in the variables used in the guiRunOnce or which ever you use. So what you cold try is to copy the batch files specified to the B: ramdrive, and run them from there. hth

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No, If you use winnt32.exe from inside PE it will pass that phase as for the RamDisk, So you could use it to copy all the batches to a drive after running diskpart. I had so much trouble with this I decided to do a straight clean install and jsut copy the files over. What you need to do is research when the sections of the Unattended.txt get copied over...

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the problem is sure from the command0 : systemDrive is not understood : you've to set c:\install\run.cmd instead of %systemDrive%\Install\Run.cmd !

another probleme is that in fact winnt32 don't copy the $oem$ folder ???!!!

---argggggh :]

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This problem is because you use incorrect settings for the /tempdrive parameter. The drive used with tempdrive must match that used with syspart, so your script should look like this:

@echo off
:: Set environmental variables
set AnswerFile=i:\unattend.txt
set SetupFiles=i:\i386
%SetupFiles%\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c:


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