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Wierd Network Timeouts.

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Okay I have these workstations (Dell GX150's) that I wiped from 98 and put XP on it. I also made sure I have the newest Drivers for the NIC and Bios.

The Issue is that I start a contenuous ping to the server and everything looks good... then out of nowhere it drops and I get timeouts (both from an IP Address and the servername) but here's the wierd part While I'm getting the timeouts on the workstation, I CAN get replies back if i ping the workstation from the server.

This only happens on three of the eight machines I've upgraded.

I've also unchecked "allow computer to turn this device of to save power" on the NIC Driver.

I've tried a ghost image as well as a total rebuild on these machines, but get the same result

I've also rebooted the server, as my next action is to move the places where these computer are pluged into on the hub.

Anyone have any thoughts? (please)

EDIT: also another weird thing is that even tho I get TIMEOUTS to the server, my connection to the internet is fine. ???

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You don't say what the server hardware is?

I had exactly the same problem with a WinNT server and several workstations. Turned out that the server was short on RAM. I put an extra 128Mb in and the problem disappeared.

Hope this helps.

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Okay, after pulling my hair out I found out this:

the DHCP server were handing out addresses x.x.x.101, 103, and 104 to the problem computers, the problem is that someone hardcoded the printers to 101-107.

It would timeout when someone would print to those printers. :)

so, as most problems, it's sloppy admin work.

thanks 'The Radish' for your help

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