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Missing "My Computer"

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Hi there,

after the installation of my unattended Windows Server 2003 standard edition from my multi boot disc I miss the "My Computer" In the startmenu and also on my desktop and Windowsexplorer.

The only way to get there is by going into the windows explorer and navigating directly to a harddrive and go one level up.

It then says "My Computer" in the Addressbar, but it does not show any icons. The Window stays completely empty.

Any help or suggestions on that?

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Of course u tweaked the registry ...try to understands where the teaks go i don't recommend copy/pasting tweaks w/o checking and customizing themand most importantly unserstand what and each of them do.

I can't help u to specific "my computer" tweak but it shouldn't be too hard to pin-point it if u just added the tweak for dl.

P.S. hive tweaks might be dangerous cuz u just can't keep track of everything they do.

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I did also add the unattended install of a few applications. The I added the cmdfile which performs the install to this post

I also attached my winnt.sif file to this post so maybe that may help figuring the problem out.

Thanks again to all the helpful guys here.


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Hmmm beats the hell out of me.

Some1 should help u make a tweak for enabling My Computer or whatever on your desktop.

There are some tweaks for that somewhere if u search but i only saw XP ones (cuz thats what i've been looking:) ) and dunnow if those will work for u.

U might want to disable the "Remove Shared Documents from My Computer" and others that u're not shore of cuz the majority of them are obvious per name and see what happens.

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Hello wolfshade,

I've been searching google for a regtweak to activate "My Computer" for a while now, but still haven't found anything. It would be nice if you had a hint on where to find something like that, even if its for winxp.

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I tried enabling the "My Computer" Desktop Icon under Display Properties/Desktop/Customize Desktop/ But the "My Computer" Checkbox is greyed out. That implies to me, that somehow "My Computer" really is disabled on the system.

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Oh i didn't tell you there are tons of tweaks in "reg tweaks" sticky in "unattend" forum where this post was before it was moved.

It is a tweak that sounds something like enable desktop icons(my computer, my network neighbourhood etc.) -- they are comented so look for it i'm sure i saw it there.

If not ask for a reg tweak for xp for it i'm sure some1 uses it ... it might not be so hard to adapt it to 2003 -- u could locate that reg with regedit and make your own tweak by exporting it -- u might want to get InstallRite(freeware) - make snapshot and enrich u're tweaks.

Oh and dunnow why u would have that grayed out i find what u said in xp so if u figure out whats graying it out u coud make u're own tweak using a snapshot soft like InstallRite to see before/after effect(works better than in teleshoping :rolleyes: ).

My first guess anyway is u have a messed up tweak somewhere.

I would be carefull what tweaks i add if i were u -- the first time i added some tweaks allthough i thought i knew what they were doing the fact is i trusted that they were made correct and that resulted in a pretty bluescreen and the fact that i couldn't logon to that os nor repair it in anyway so i had to reinstall it :)

I recall now that there is a tutorial somewhere to make 2003 behave like XP so u might want to check that out.

My experience with MS products made me believe i want to be a technician cuz nothing i how it seems with MS and i would have a job for life :D

OOPS! Seems i replied/edited while in unattended windows forum and the post moved again here allthough it was moved in nt/2000/2003

Edited by wolfshade
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2 make a tweak, get regsnap, take a snapshot b4 u do the following, then after u do it, 2 add my computer 2 the desktop, goto Control Panel > Display > desktop > Customize Desktop

put a check in the appropriate boxes, then apply & take another snapshot, then u will get the reg tweak :)

EDIT: i looked over your .rar file, from what ive seen theirs nothing out of the ordinary, u sure theirs nothing else u deleted that would have had this effect?

Also, are u aware, that by default, "My Computer" isnt on the desktop in XP, as it is on 2k/98/ME/95 ?

good luck :rolleyes:

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