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HELP: Enabling Explorer Status Bar

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Hi guys

I am in the middle of extracting all the registry entries from my Windows XP standard setup. I am performing this by exporting the registry before and after a change and then using a compare program to see what has changed (called Compare IT http://www.grigsoft.com/wincmp3.htm). I wish to be able to set all the entries in to the 'Default User' profile before I login to Windows, which I am sure is not going to be a problem.

Using the REG command, I can open the Defaut User's NTUSER.DAT file, make what ever changes I need and close it again. When the user logs in for the first time, all the changes I have made to the 'Default User' profile will be copied over with all the settings I have changed.

Now down to the problem! The first entry I have attempted this with is not working - The Explorer Status Bar (not IEs bar)

The two entries I have found to change are (in Bold):

Before (Status Bar Off)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ShellBrowser]"ITBarLayout"=hex:11,00,00,00,4c,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,24,00,00,00,1b,00,00,00,\







After (Status Bar On)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\ShellBrowser]"ITBarLayout"=hex:11,00,00,00,4c,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,34,00,00,00,1b,00,00,00,\







The Streams entries do change inconsistently, although it is only those two Hex codes which change, so I am not sure if these changes are anything to do with it. The ITBarLayout changes between 24 (off) and 34 (on) everytime.

The things that don't work: (In all cases below, the settings in the registry were changed when logged in as the user I changed)

  • Editing the 'Default User' with the entries (using Reg Load/Unload), creating a user and logging on as it.
  • Changing a users profile logged in as another user (using Reg Load/Unload), and logging on as the user.
  • Changing the registry of the currently logged on user
  • For all the above, I have also tried logging on/off, rebooting etc between changing the settings

The things that DO work:

  • Performing a profile copy from System Properties>Advanced>User Profiles Settings.
  • Copying the NTUSER.DAT to another user profile. **This means that is it a setting in the registry HKCU and not a file!**

Other Points

  • I have used a real-time file monitor to check that Windows is not writing any files, but it is only writing settings to the NTUSER.DAT

Do you guys have any ideas of what else I could try?



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