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Updates Lists for Windows 2000/XP

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Posted (edited)

I am now hosting and maintaining updates lists for both Windows 2000 and XP.

The lists are located at my website under https://twilczynski.com/windows.

More information:


The list for Windows 2000 has been regularly updated and has almost all updates applicable to the OS included (sometimes except for the most recent ones). On the other hand, the list for Windows XP is currently based on the archived list from http://web.archive.org/web/*/hfslip.altervista.org which has not been updated after July 2014. However, I am going to add new updates to the XP list shortly.

The reason for creating this thread is that the old one is no longer updated, and the lists linked there are either outdated or not even working any more. This thread I will keep updated as soon as new changes are made to the updates lists.

Edited by tomasz86

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