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Firewall & Microsoft Office


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Hello nuhi et al,


I am wondering which Firewall component(s) is direct related to Microsoft Office.


What I know is that if you remove firewall, then you can't open Office file (docx, xlsx, pptx etc) from Outlook, sometime can't even open the file directly.

However there are 3 firewall components.

Anyone has any idea why firewall is related to Office? and which one(s) are actually linked?



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Tseng,


sorry for the delay, this got lost in my inbox.

I never heard of such an issue, did you have any more insight as to how to replicate it?


When you say 3 Firewall components, do you mean Internet Connection Sharing/ALG, Firewall Service and Firewall?

Maybe ALG (application layer gateway) could be related, if you removed it that time - but that would also be news.


Let me know, but that "sometime" you cannot open docx files itches me the wrong way.

Edited by nuhi
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  • 1 month later...

Finally got time to re-visit this issue.  Has been pretty busy in the past 3 months.


If I remove Windows Firewall (Firewall UI and functionality) under Internet Connect Sharing under Windows Firewall Services.

Will removing this component alone affect the working of Microsoft Office?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't get such report so far, needed components for Office are in the Office compatibility, does not include Firewall.

I will test by removing all of them and report these days.


Which Windows version, and is it TW-CN language?



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I have encountered same issue on both EN-US and CN-TW.


I removed whole Windows Firewall Service back then.

Office can't open files sometimes, can't really identify a pattern.

If I only remove the Windows Firewall UI, maybe Office can work properly?



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