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Want to select random file, copy and rename to another directory

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Ok, don't get this.  Here is what I have:

[SNIP /]Rem Start TrackIRcd C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5start TrackIR5.exeTimeout 5 1>NulRem Start Steam Directlycd D:\Applications\SteamStart Steam.exeTimeout 5 1>NulRem Start IL-2 Directlycd C:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of DoverStart Launcher.exe

It isn't making the switch to d drive.  I've tried entering it manually into the command prompt cd d:\ but nothing, it stays in the c: drive.  Any suggestions?


Nevermind, I found it.  I need to use the /D switch

Why are you even bothering changing directories?

@Echo Off & SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansionSet "_BD=%UserProfile%\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\DashPics"If "%CD%" NEq "%_BD%" PushD %_BD%||Exit/BSet "_$="For %%# In (Templates\*.tga) Do Set/A _$+=1 & For /F %%_ In ('Call Echo(%%_$%%'    ) Do Set "_F[%%_]=%%#"Set/A _R=%Random% %% _$ +1Call Echo(Processing "%%_F[%_R%]%%"Call Copy "%%_F[%_R%]%%" Selected\1.tga>NulStart "" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5.exe"Start "" "D:\Applications\Steam\Steam.exe"Start "" "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover\Launcher.exe"

I've removed all of the five second pauses so if your executables are launching too quickly then use the /Wait switch with Start.


Also be aware that whilst you've asked for the script to not be user specific, you've then fixed the locations for steam.exe and launcher.exe!

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I am a rather new with PowerShell though here is an example. It started lean, yet testing threw errors that I addressed i.e non existing paths etc. Tested with PowerShell 4.0.

<#.DESCRIPTIONCan use this to run a program..EXAMPLEStart-Program "Notepad.exe"#>function Start-Program {    # Last 3 parameters are optional    param ($filename, $program_dir = '', $sleep = 0, $on_error = 'Continue')    if ($program_dir -and $filename) {        $filepath = join-path $program_dir $filename    } else {        $filepath = $filename    }    Start-Process -FilePath "$filepath" -ErrorAction $on_error    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep}# Destination value$destination = "$env:UserProfile\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD\DashPics"# Test path "$destination\Selected"if (-not(test-path "$destination\Selected")) {    New-Item -Path "$destination\Selected" -ItemType 'directory' -Force -Confirm    if (-not(test-path "$destination\Selected")) {        "You chose not to create `"$destination\Selected`""        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5        exit    }}# Test path "$destination\Templates"if (-not(test-path "$destination\Templates")) {    New-Item -Path "$destination\Templates" -ItemType 'directory' -Force -Confirm    "Add tga files to `"$destination\Templates`" and then restart this script"    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5    exit}# Recursive search for *.tga files in "$destination\Templates"$files = Get-ChildItem "$destination\Templates" -Include "*.tga" -Recurseif (! $files.Count) {    Write-Error 'No tga files found'    exit 1} elseif ($files.Count -eq 1) {    # Just 1 item so assign the integer and the item    $random = 1    $target = $files.FullName} else {    # Get a random integer between 0 and the count of files    $random = Get-Random -Maximum $files.Count    # Get the fullname based on the random item    $target = $files.GetValue($random).FullName}# Add the filename to the destination path$destination += '\Selected\1.tga'# Copy the source item to the destinationCopy-Item $target $destination -Force# Write out a summary"Count: " + $files.Count + "`r`nRandom: $random`r`nTarget: $target`r`nDestination: $destination"# Cleanup some variables and then sleepRemove-Variable files,randomStart-Sleep -Seconds 5# Start Wordpad. Test only with a user defined function instead of repeating codeStart-Program 'wordpad.exe' "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows NT\Accessories" 1 'Stop'# Start TrackIR. "-ErrorAction 'Stop'" parameter exits the script if error occurs$program_dir = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5"Start-Process "$program_dir\TrackIR5.exe" -WorkingDirectory "$program_dir" -ErrorAction 'Stop'Start-Sleep -Seconds 1# Start Steam Directly$program_dir = "D:\Applications\Steam"Start-Process "$program_dir\Steam.exe" -WorkingDirectory "$program_dir" -ErrorAction 'Stop'Start-Sleep -Seconds 1# Start IL-2 Directly$program_dir = "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover"Start-Process "$program_dir\Launcher.exe" -WorkingDirectory "$program_dir" -ErrorAction 'Stop'# Final variable cleanupRemove-Variable destination,target,program_dir


Edit: The Documents folders is a Shell Folder. I have no Shell Folders in %UserProfile% as they exist on another partition on the main drive and the system has recorded this move. The code below is a registry option to get a path of a Shell Folder i.e "Personal" which is the My Documents path. I chose not to change the code above with this code and leave it as an option.

# ScriptBlock Purpose: Get a shell folder path.$MyDocumentsPath = & {    param ($Name)    $ShellFolders = Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders'    Return $ShellFolders.$Name} Personal # Arg: Registry name to get data from."My Documents path: `"$MyDocumentsPath`""
Edited by MHz
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