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Windows 8 suddenly takes a long time to boot


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Hi there,

I apoogise in advance as I did try to follow the tutorial to get the correct log files. If you can Help me please let me know and I can show them to you.

Basically I have windows 8 running fine taking about a minute ish to start up now it takes 10mins or so. Once booted its fine.and runs ok, but this is ridiculous!

To the best of my knowledge I haven't installed anything prior to this happening. I'm unsure if this would be a hardware or software issue so open to suggestions.

I have run an Av and malware and rootkit scan and removed one malware.

I have stopped everything from running on boot except my AV software.

Booting to safe mode is still as slow as ever.

I cannot boot to safe mode as the start up is so slow that nothing happens anymore hitting f8. (can only get there by restarting using msconfig)
I have defragged and optimised both HDDs and run chkdisk.
No warnings in device manager. A few errors in eventlog but nothing major or consistent - I can get them if wanted.
I used SFC /SCANNOW Command which initially failed so I used Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth this appeared to work and then on running sfc /scannow then completed successfully with no errors, but no change in boot speed.

Windows update has been run and all up to date.

I've looked at the reliability monitor and the only thing that is showing as critical events is amd CCC, but have removed all traces of it now as I have an nvidia graphics card now and a couple of windows not shut down properly and photos for example not responding.

Tried, command prompt and type :
diskdrive get status




Used seatools and the WD one too - all shows ok (SMART)

I then used system restore to restore the computer to prior to this happening - this completed successfully, but still no change on the boot up speed.

I have used CCleaner to fix broken reg entries.... (no change)

I then downloaded and ran the Windows Assesssment console and have the logs, but am unsure really where to go with them.

Please help! Very annoying!! I have .etl log and also the summary.xml file


btw system is:


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From my experience with 7, it looks like a common issue on anything Vista and later. I dunno what it is. x64 seemed to be the worst.

On 7 x64, I would suddenly get a real long boot routine, even with 5+ GB of RAM.

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Clean Boot to Windows 8 and disable all unnecessary startup services . .. Open Run, type MsConfig and hit enter to open System Configuration box, On the General tab, uncheck the Load Startup Itmes, and then move to the Services tab, check Hide All Microsfot Services, and then click Disable All.

Restart Your PC. Hope it Helps !!

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