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Need Help, AutoIt Software


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The trick is to use WinWaitActive for windows to pop up and have focus (be the active window).

for example:

Run, c:\temp\install\setup.exe
WinWaitActive, Choose Setup Language, Select the language
Send, {ENTER}
WinWait, Welcome, Welcome to the Setup program.
WinActivate, Welcome, Welcome to the Setup program.
Send, !n

Notice the bottom 3 lines. I wait for the window I want to exist. Then I activate the window. Then I send keys to that window.

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  • 1 month later...

that command only removes directory with no files, if that folder has files or directories in it, like if you want the functionality of RD of winxp or deltree, then you have to invoke a filedelete first for that particular directory (or delete all the subdirectories of that folder first).

otherwise, you could RunWait a batch file to run RD command on that folder.

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  • 4 weeks later...

as for deleting directories and sub directories, you don't have to delete all file first if you dont want, just have to add a flag at the end. Bascially if you add the 1 at the end it will work like deltree.

DirRemove ( "path" [,recurse] )


path Path of the directory to remove.

recurse [optional] Use this flag to specify if you want to delete sub-directories too.

0 = (default) do not remove files and sub-directories

1 = remove files and subdirectories (like the DOS DelTree command)


; Delete C:\Test1 and all subdirs and files

DirRemove("C:\Test1", 1)

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For the winmove, are you wanting to center a window in the current desktop? I always just guess about what center would be. If you really need absolute center look in the help file under window functions and look into WinGetPos and WinGetClientSize. it may give you some insight.

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for you first question about always on top it is this.

WinSetOnTop ( "title", "text", flag )


title The title of the window to affect.

text The text of the window to affect.

flag Determines whether the window should have the "TOPMOST" flag set.

1=set on top flag, 0 = remove on top flag

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  • 1 year later...

Hey everyone, darn im soo tired i've been trying to find out how to make a dialog box by pressing a shortcutkey. After the dialog has poped up i wanted to type somthing and then click ok and then make it Sleep(3000) after that open notepad and make it Send w/e i typed. But ofcourse i havnt got to do that, thats why im here for help.

I did that with a INput box here is the code:

HotKeySet("{F5}", "Type")

HotKeySet("{F8}", "Pause")

HotKeySet("{F9}", "Quit")

While 1



Func Type()

While 1

$clip1 = InputBox("Message", "Enter/Paste text to Spam", "" )

Run("C:\Program Files\Starcraft\Starcraft.exe")





Send("" & $clip1)


until $i=10



Func Quit()

While 1

Exit 0



Func Pause()




Basically all that does is when i press F5 a inputbox pops up and what ever i type in it. Gets send to w/e window im on after its sleep time.

So i wanted to do that with a Dialog box because i wanted to Send Profiles that are more then 1 line at once.

This is what i have so far but it seems to make no sense what so ever:

dim $clip1

HotKeySet("{F7}", "Type")

HotKeySet("{F9}", "Pause")

Func Pause()

While 1



func type()

while 1

$clip1 = Dialog Box





Send("" & $clip1)


until $i=10



GUICreate("Type What You Want To Spam Below") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) ; will display an empty dialog box


$nEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit ("Type Here", 3,3,300,180)

GUICtrlCreateButton ("Ok", 20,200,50)

GUISetState ()

for $n=1 to 5

GUICtrlSetData ($nEdit,@CRLF & "line "& $n)





$msg = GUIGetMsg()

if $msg >0 then

$n=GUICtrlSendMsg ($nEdit, $EM_LINEINDEX,-1,0)

$nline=GUICtrlSendMsg( $nEdit, $EM_LINEFROMCHAR,$n,0)

GUICtrlSetState ($nEdit,256) ; set focus

MsgBox (0,"Currentline",$nLine)


Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

All this does is when i run it a Dialog box pops up right away and then when i press F7 it types random words or numbers...

Also i didnt include

#include gui.........au3.

because it says "Error reading #include gui.........au3."

Can anyone please look at these sources and see if they can help me, i really need it thank you for reading.

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