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Hide Bing Desktop and other Windows Updates

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Is the file saved as a simple text file with a .VBS extension? From the error messwage it thinks there is something wrong with the first cahacter on the first line of the file. You might want to upload an exact copy of your file somewhere and provide a link to it here so that someone can download your file and make sure there is nothing wrong with the format of the file.

Cheers and Regards

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Only edit this with notepad if you don't have a vbs editor

Updated 1st Post with my latest

' 05/02/2014 By adding KB and Bing Bar it gets them all and so far has not come back

Wish Bing Desktop would do same.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I've run into something interesting, I've been trying to get this script working for the past 30 minutes, every time it runs, it shows that it didn't hide any updates.  I believe it's because I use ConfigMgr to push updates to computers.  However, the option for users to "Check online for updates from Microsoft Update" is available, if they click on that, it will show updates I would like to hide Skype & Language Packs.
The same script does work on computers that I'm not managing with ConfigMgr.  Is there a way to make this script hide those updates from users who click on "Check online for updates from Microsoft Update" when in a ConfigMgr enviroment?


Document with Images to help Explain Issue.  I was pasting the images in the body of this, but found out when I clicked "Post" that I was unable to use that feature.

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I was pasting the images in the body of this, but found out when I clicked "Post" that I was unable to use that feature.


The most reliable way to post images on this and almost any forum is to upload your images to the free image hosting service of your choice, such as TinyPic. To place the image where you want while you are editing or creating your post, position the cursor where you want the image to appear, click the "Image" button in the menu of the edit box, and insert the link to your image.  Your image should appear instantly.  This works on all forums that I am aware of.


Cheers and Regards

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The same script does work on computers that I'm not managing with ConfigMgr.  Is there a way to make this script hide those updates from users who click on "Check online for updates from Microsoft Update" when in a ConfigMgr enviroment?


I've had no dealing with ConfigMgr so it would be up to someone that uses that to invent a workaround.

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  • 3 months later...

I got something similar to that and running it as admin fixed it.


That said, on Windows 8.1 it seems to be broken, because it hid all my updates instead of the list I gave it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Buenos, need help. The script works only with Internet, as correct to work without Internet ?? (from Win 7)


Dim hideupdates(18)

hideupdates(0) = "KB971033"
hideupdates(1) = "KB2882822"
hideupdates(2) = "KB2952664"
hideupdates(3) = "KB2977759"
hideupdates(4) = "KB2990214"
hideupdates(5) = "KB3021917"
hideupdates(6) = "KB3022345"
hideupdates(7) = "KB3035583"
hideupdates(8) = "KB3050265"
hideupdates(9) = "KB3065987"
hideupdates(10) = "KB3068708"
hideupdates(11) = "KB3075249"
hideupdates(12) = "KB3075851"
hideupdates(13) = "KB3080149"
hideupdates(14) = "KB3081954"
hideupdates(15) = "KB3083324"
hideupdates(16) = "KB3083710"
hideupdates(17) = "KB3088195"
hideupdates(18) = "KB3102810"

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
updateSession.ClientApplicationID = "MSDN Sample Script"
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")

Checkagain = "True"

For K = 0 To 18
If Checkagain = "True" Then
Checkagain = "False"
End if

Set objWshShell = nothing
Set WSHShell = Nothing

Function ParseUpdates
For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
strUpdateName = update.Title

For j = 0 To UBound(hideupdates)
if instr(1, strUpdateName, hideupdates(j), vbTextCompare) = 0 then
strAllHidden = strAllHidden _
& vbcrlf & update.Title
update.IsHidden = True'
Checkagain = "True"
end if
End Function

Function CheckUpdates
Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
Set searchResult = _
updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")
End Function

Edited by Prodif
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Buenos, need help. The script works only with Internet, as correct to work without Internet ?? (from Win 7)


Dim hideupdates(18)


Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")

That's contacting the Update server on the internet. Where else could you search against?

I haven't tried or looked into it. I'm fighting 10 now so really can't say

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