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NotificationArea PromotedIcon GUID

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Ok, ok. I know what the official unattended install documentation says (my bold emphasis added).

GUID specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of an icon to be shown in the notification area at the far right of the taskbar.

By setting the Path and GUID elements of the PromotedIcon1 component, you can configure another icon to be visible in the notification area. This icon will appear in place of the Action Center icon.

To select the icon to be visible, you must:

Select a signed binary-application file that includes a system-notification icon.

Set both the Path and GUID elements for the file.

The GUID for the icon is contained in the application. The NOTIFYICONDATA shell structure contains the guidItem. For more information, see the MSDN topic: NOTIFYICONDATA. For third-party applications, contact your application provider to find out if your application uses this structure and to obtain the GUID.

So, are there any tools for an offline or online system analysis (like ProcessMontior or ProcessExplorer) to figure these things out? It must be associated with ShellNotifyIcon after all. Any thoughts/help? I know no one commented on the only other mention of this on MSFN, so I am thinking I am SOL.

Edited by alharaka
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Hmmm I remember that but I never figured it out either. It was a customer request and it came down to not being able to do it. It was a cosmetic request so they decided it was not worth the trouble.

Another eye-roll well-deserved of Windows. I was expecting this considering the docs tell you to contact your vendor. I love that since we know their tech support would not understand and then subsequently avoid escalating you.

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I don't know why this would be a Windows problem. Maybe if you mean they should have used some other method of identifying the icon rather than a GUID value that you'd have to go at some lengths to find out. But if you read the MS link I posted, you can tell that documentation is aimed at programmers, rather than us deployment/IT type folks who build images.

In my case, I can't even remember what program it was, but I don't recall ever trying to contact whoever wrote the program.

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