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BuClean Studio 2011 Q4: Windows 7 integrator, slipstreamer, customizer

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New test made with ONE IMAGE Windows 7 Ultimate SP0. Result: works fine! :)

Maybe the first time the Image install.wim SP1 was corrupted!

I will make a new test with ONE IMAGE Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.


Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP0 success

*Edit: If Windows have already SP1 integrated (one image install.wim 1 Ultimate) the software doesn't work as mentionned above!

Edited by myselfidem
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New test made with ONE IMAGE Windows 7 Ultimate SP0. Result: works fine! :)

Maybe the first time the Image install.wim SP1 was corrupted!

I will make a new test with ONE IMAGE Windows 7 Ultimate SP1.


Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP0 success

*Edit: If Windows have already SP1 integrated (one image install.wim 1 Ultimate) the software doesn't work as mentionned above!

We will test that soon. Maybe you are facing a problem with the Image. However we have recieved your report and we are working on it now.

A big thanks for your work.

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Maybe that can help. With an successfull mounted and unmounted image I see inside the BuCleanLog.txt:

-- >Selected Image Edition Name:premium --- 12/11/2011 17:19:30 ???

I have selected Windows 7 Ultimate.

And even if I haven't selected to create an Autounattend.xml file, this one is created!


Edited by myselfidem
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Maybe that can help. With an successfull mounted and unmounted image I see inside the BuCleanLog.txt:

-- >Selected Image Edition Name:premium --- 12/11/2011 17:19:30 ???

I have selected Windows 7 Ultimate.

And even if I haven't selected to create an Autounattend.xml file, this one is created!


Thank you for reporting that. We are pleased to confirm that We have started to fix that.

Maybe It will be released in the next 2 working days. Because most programmers are busy now.

Thank you very much,

Moreover, if you have any programmitcally probelms even with your own programs then please refer to us we will be happy to help you.


Edited by Ekttob
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  • 3 weeks later...


on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 fully patched blocks on splash screen which hides a message window behind it.

Obviously the problem is in finding Windows AIK, which was manualy pointed to before. Manually

pointing to imagex also doesn't help.

Good luck!

Best regards,


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on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 fully patched blocks on splash screen which hides a message window behind it.

Obviously the problem is in finding Windows AIK, which was manualy pointed to before. Manually

pointing to imagex also doesn't help.

Good luck!

Best regards,


Thank you for reporting this problem.

After testing We have come up with a solution for that bug, what you need to do is to restart the software.

This must fix the problem.

Best regards,

BuClean Team

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I install the newest BuClean Studio (v5.0) on WIN7 SP1. The "Enable Customization" checkbox is gray when open the source of WIN7_PRO_SP1_VL CHS version.

Hello, Thank you very much for reporting this problem.

However the problem my occur due to a corrupted version of Windows. Please try to use another image.

In addition to that, those expectations may be wrong so please do attach us a copy of your BuCleanLog.txt you will find that at the Local Drive (C:\)

Furthermore, a new release of BuClean will be unveiled in the next few days, So please provide us with the log.

Thank you very much

BuClean Team

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I install the newest BuClean Studio (v5.0) on WIN7 SP1. The "Enable Customization" checkbox is gray when open the source of WIN7_PRO_SP1_VL CHS version.

Hello, Thank you very much for reporting this problem.

However the problem my occur due to a corrupted version of Windows. Please try to use another image.

In addition to that, those expectations may be wrong so please do attach us a copy of your BuCleanLog.txt you will find that at the Local Drive (C:\)

Furthermore, a new release of BuClean will be unveiled in the next few days, So please provide us with the log.

Thank you very much

BuClean Team

Here is the log file, and I also find that there is a warning message says 'Ekttob\temp\ImagesInfo.xml is used by another process ... ' when exit 7mizer


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I install the newest BuClean Studio (v5.0) on WIN7 SP1. The "Enable Customization" checkbox is gray when open the source of WIN7_PRO_SP1_VL CHS version.

Hello, Thank you very much for reporting this problem.

However the problem my occur due to a corrupted version of Windows. Please try to use another image.

In addition to that, those expectations may be wrong so please do attach us a copy of your BuCleanLog.txt you will find that at the Local Drive (C:\)

Furthermore, a new release of BuClean will be unveiled in the next few days, So please provide us with the log.

Thank you very much

BuClean Team

Here is the log file, and I also find that there is a warning message says 'Ekttob\temp\ImagesInfo.xml is used by another process ... ' when exit 7mizer

Well we have reported that issue, and you are recommended to use another version of Windows, Because the image you use is not valid!


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  • 2 weeks later...



first thanks for the hard work gone into building a free tool for us all, secondly Festive Greetings :)

Thought I'dd give it a whirl as I like the AIO idea saves me some thinking ;)

ran the installer on W7 x64 SP1 (fully updated) host machine and it didn't get past the splash screen:

BuClean loads and demands Windows WAIK which is already installed in %ProgramFiles% (default install) and all tools have been added into Windows\System32 for ease of use too.

When showing the program where my WAIK is it demands do I wish to use IA64 or AMD64 ? Doesn't matter what I chose clicking either choice makes it disappear and I'm left with a Splash screen which requires task manager to close it down !

With the WAIK choice buttons if I tell it where the imagex or oscdimg files are located ,the box closes leaving me with the Splash Screen. Haven't tried DLing the whole WAIK button as I know my install is fine.

I've been using these files so I know they are installed and working correctly. Log says very little but I've attached it .

Any help appreciated thxs.

Best regards Fairbod

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  • 3 weeks later...

topic was reopened. But the software still fails to detect WAIK, so it is useless.

faild to auto detect WAIK


i have the same problem as fairbod.

i'm running windows 7 x64 sp1

same problem here, running Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate

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