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Windows Movie Maker won't open


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My kids have been playing around with my new camcorder and I was trying to do some video editing with them using Windows Movie Maker in Windows 7 Professional x86. The last time I tried to use WMM I had to run it as admin or it never started. Today it won't start as standard user or admin. I don't see anything in the Event viewer. I ran the Windows Live Essentials repair tool but still no luck.

Any ideas on how to get this working again?

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Open Task Manager, go to the Processes tab and sort by name. Try to open WMM as Administrator and see if the process shows up for a second or two and then closes.

Then go into Event Viewer, under Application and look for any logs within that time frame relating to the program.

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Open Task Manager, go to the Processes tab and sort by name. Try to open WMM as Administrator and see if the process shows up for a second or two and then closes.

Then go into Event Viewer, under Application and look for any logs within that time frame relating to the program.

It shows up for about 6 seconds then closes. Nothing shows up in Event Viewer.

I have tried logging in as my admin account and have the same issue as I do when using my standard user account.

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The next step would be to use ProcMon to get a trace. Add the processname for Windows Movie Maker (I don't know what it is called) to the Filter option. Open WMM, wait for it to close. Save the trace from ProcMon and upload it (zip of course)

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I can not get anything to show up in procmon. I added the exclusion if process name is MovieMaker.exe then include. If process name includes movie then include. Neither of them capture anything. Can I clear out all of the preset excludes or will that mess things up for it?

[edit]I deleted one of the includes and it worked. uploading the zips now (I did all 3 options since you didn't specify which format you wanted[/edit]

Edited by LordFett
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PatrolPro? WinPatrol Plus maybe? I don't know of anything called patrolpro or see anything in task manager's running processes for patrol other than WinPatrol. I killed that and had the same problem. There are 12 files in the \Log\ folder all from the 5th of August.

Here they are all in a zip; http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29605000/WLSetupLogs.zip

Thanks for looking so far.

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I'm going to wager that you've never opened WMM before, since it is trying to install it. From these logs (there is one for wlsetup and one for a DLL) it looks like something is interfering with the installation. You main error is here:

SQM            :00000F8C (08/07/2011 20:56:03.892) Warning: Failed waiting for the SQM session data upload (hr=0x80070109).

Unfortunately, I can't find any actual fix to that problem. So here is what I'll recommend.

Uninstall and reinstall Windows Live. I can tell that the version of Live you are using was installed by Lenovo or whoever you bought your computer from.

Before you try, you can try to just install WMM:


And here is where to download WL for 2011:


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I had run WMM before this, but I'd run WL updates since. It isn't a program I use often, this was probably the 3rd time using (trying to use) it. The install date on WL was 14 May 2011, but WL Sync was 16 March 2010 (the date I received my notebook from Lenovo). I remember installing sync as well as WL, but it is possible it came preloaded. Since I didn't have a copy of Win7 I didn't do a fresh install to get rid of all of the crapware like I normally would.

After uninstalling all components of WL I reinstalled, WMM tries to open as before and then closes. But if I run as admin it will full open now.

Thanks for the help Tripredacus.

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