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microsoft security essentials problem


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hello there...today i got a notification from microsoft security essentials to upgrade to a newer version...i clicked on upgrade but before the process completed i got the error shown in attachment...after a reboot i found myself with mse uninstalled from my computer since i couldn't find them in add/remove programs...i even uninstalled malwarebytes antimalware just to make sure that no other programs could conflict with the installation of mse...now the only program i have installed is norton ghost but i don't think this is an issue correct? then i entered msconfig and deselected all startup objects and services not related to microsoft and rebooted...once i tried to install mse i got the same error again...i don't know what to do...any other ideas? i have windows 7 installed so windows installer shouldn't be an issue...is rollback to a previous state of my system with ghost the only solution to my problem? thanks in advance...


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The error you are getting is caused by Windows Installer when attempting to install "an update" from Windows Update. Even the newer MSSE versions are considered updates... On KB it says to have it create verbose logging to determine what the actual problem is. Before you even go that far, you might want to check in Event Viewer to see what kind of errors show up in there from Windows Installer or Windows Update.

Here is the link:


I'll move this topic into Windows 7 forum too.

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The error you are getting is caused by Windows Installer when attempting to install "an update" from Windows Update. Even the newer MSSE versions are considered updates... On KB it says to have it create verbose logging to determine what the actual problem is. Before you even go that far, you might want to check in Event Viewer to see what kind of errors show up in there from Windows Installer or Windows Update.

Here is the link:


I'll move this topic into Windows 7 forum too.

thank you for your response...unfortunately i wasn't able to find something different in event viewer...i did what it says in KB and i have the logs available...should i attach them here?

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The new version of MSE uninstalls the old version before installing the new one. Have you tried downloading the install program from here instead of using Windows Update to install ti?


did try that without success...i am attaching the logs in hope that someone may understand what is going on...


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Whatever is happening is happening outside of the MSI engine. It might be more useful to post your cbs.log from \Windows\Logs\CBS, or perhaps the setup*.logs in \Windows. Both would potentially provide data - this is happening below MSI, whatever it is.

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i cannot see any such thing in windows update history...the latest installed update is kb981889...is that associated in any way to my problem? and i didn't even know there is a SP1 for windows 7 yet...thought there was going to be in summer...

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There doesn't seem to be anything inherently wrong with that update. I see that the newest versions of FEP (Forefront) require this update, and since MSSE is the "public" version of FEP, I can see it requiring it also. However, your log file says that one of the updates it has downloaded is corrupted and cannot be opened. Therefore it can't install it either. I am not able to determine (by that log) which update that specifically is, or where it may be located.

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tried both solutions mentioned in the link but no luck...trying the second method did seem to uninstall some leftovers from previous installation of mse,then restarted my computer as suggested and tried a clean install again but the same error keeps popping up...nothing changed...my only solution would be to rollback to a previous state of my system with norton ghost but if i do that then will there not be any problems again when the system reaches a certain state again(that is right before my problems first originated)?
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Your MSI logs are from 1/2/2011, but your CBS log (because it rolls over) only goes back to 1/30. These are not useful, so please do this - disable the Windows Update service, try the install again, and when it fails, upload the latest cbs.log and MSI logging logs. I will need to see them both from a failed install to have any clue what's happening. You can of course re-enable the WU service after uploading the files.

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