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Up to Date Vista Post SP2 Update Pack


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Apologies if this has been asked before.

I searched for post sp2 updates but could not find anything relevant.

I have a Vista 32Bit DVD which already includes SP2.

What I want is an up to date post SP2 update pack that includes all critical updates since SP2 up to current day..

I then want to slipstream these using vLite to create a totally up to date install DVD.

I've done this for many years with XP using either Xables update pack or Ryans but neither of these Gentlemen have anything for Vista that is current.

Does such a beast exist?



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Not sure if this is helpful or not.

What I did was download a program called autopatcher (apup). I would include the link but I think that is not allowed.

This little program let me choose to download all the updates that were post SP2 for vista.

Apup is intended for updating existing installs of Vista so I had to hunt for the updates I wanted.

So once the downloaded had finished, I did a search for all *.msu files in the "Critical" folder (which is inside the "Modules" folder - - - you will easily be able to see what I mean if you do this yourself) .

I copied all these *.msu files into another folder so as to make importing them into vLite easier.

I then imported all these .msu files into vLite and created my DVD

When I checked on Windows Update, it said I still needed 12 Important updates. This compares to around 70 when I just installed the straight SP2 DVD without any modifications.

The 12 important updates I needed were mostly .net 3.5 which I could probably find somewhere if I tried hard enough but then again a red wine is awaiting me in the other room :-)

Sorry if this is confusing. I'm not good at explaining such things :-)

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