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Auto Adjust Screen Resolution

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I'm using Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 to create my new website for my business and am running into a problem. See I want the website to auto. adjust to the screens resolution to make it look as professional as possible. Web design is not one of my strong points, everything I know has been self taught. So I'm lost on how to fix this. Anybody know how I can fix this using the program or know a code I can put it to realign and adjust everything?

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To do exactely what you are asking you will need to use javascript and CSS and modify CSS styles through javascript.


document.getElementById('mypic').style.width = 100

Here are a few examples of passing such datas into avariable usable in javascript:

onload = function() {
ScreenHeight = window.screen.height
ScreenWidth = window.screen.width
ScreenAvHeight = window.screen.availableHeight
ScreenAvWidth = window.screen.availableWidth
// blah

But you don't need to go that far!

It's not with SharePoint or FrontPage that you will learn javascript...

So I'll suggest building elements which adjust their width and position automaticaly by defaut or by % using only CSS. This would be already 3/4th of what you need to look pro on the web.

Here is an example of CSS properties which adjust without the help of any script.

<style type="text/css">
div.banner{color:orange; font-style:italic; font-size:xx-large; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; float:top; text-align:center;}
div.leftcol{width:20%;background-color:yellow; color:orange; font-size:medium; font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; float:left; text-align:center;}
div.rightcol{width:80%;float:left; text-align:center;}



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