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"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)

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i have this message : "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)"

when i start this software : "Sony DVD Architect Pro 5.x"

I check and clean my registry and check virus with Kaspersky and malwareByte (i not find any virus)

I disconnected the two drives phisic IDE controller! Windows XP Pro always displays a DVD player available!

I not find any official information about this error code :

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)"

The executable of "Sony DVD Architect Pro 5.x" is "dvdpro.exe"

thank you very much for your answer....

have fun....


I would say: uninstall and re-install the application.

Apparantly it was unable to load some crucial libraries (like DLL's, etc.),

but it's hard to tell, since this message doesn't say anything really... :unsure:

What does your system-log tell you?




i unsinstall the application but the problem is same!

i see the application use .NET Framework 3.x

Thank you i advance for your answer


If that's the return code from the application failing to execute, it looks like an inpage I/O error:

# for hex 0xc0000006 / decimal -1073741818 :
# The instruction at "0x%08lx" referenced memory at
# "0x%08lx". The required data was not placed into memory
# because of an I/O error status of "0x%08lx".

Either there's something wrong with a device attached to the system, or there's a problem copying the program's contents to memory. If it's always and only that application failing on the system, it would seem that perhaps the installer is bad?

i see the application use .NET Framework 3.x

Something in the back of my mind tells me you're not using "The official installation source"

of the product... :whistle:

Anyway... did you install the .Net Framework version 3.x? :hello:


yesterday night, i uninstall .NET Framwork 1.x 2.x and 3.x and doing the update!

The problem is same

I uninstall Kaspersky and Deamon tools too!

The problem is same

I unplug my two reader dvd and check on bios (not available)

But the explorer windows show me one reader DVD with letter "D:"

I not understand why i have this read dvd!

Please, how i can delete on registry some key or have you solution ...

thank you in advance for your answer!

before, The Sony DVD Architect Pro 5.x work very well since one year....



I find solution after many test

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006)

- Console commande CLI --> SFC /Scannow

The two software "Sony DVD Architect Pro 5.x" and "Nokia PC Suite 7.x" work now...

have fun...

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