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Novell Client 2 sp1 for windows 7

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Hello everyone, I have always turned to this site for solutions, and today I came up empty handed for the first time in a long long time, so I figured its time to register and ask.

I am using WPI to install a bunch of software and save me some time, new to my list is Novell Client 2 SP1 for windows 7. And it isn't completely silent/unattended.. I dont much care for what comes up on the screen during the install, as long as it doesnt ask questions.

During the install I am prompted by windows with the following message.


I know this is more to do with windows then Novell however to be full in my explanation I have included the 2 files controlling my unattended install. I am using the command

ACU.exe /NCPF /D:no

to launch the install.

I would like to eliminate the prompt... any suggestions?


!LoginProfilesDWOn0="Default","Save On Exit"
!LoginProfilesDWOn1="Default","Password Enable"
!LoginProfilesDWOff0="Default\Tab1","Use DHCP Tree"
!LoginProfilesDWOff1="Default\Tab1","Use DHCP Context"
!LoginProfilesDWOff2="Default\Tab1","Use DHCP Server"
!LoginProfilesDWOff3="Default\Tab1","Clear Connections"
!LoginProfilesDWOn2="Default\Tab2","Login Script"
!LoginProfilesDWOn3="Default\Tab2","Display Results"
!LoginProfilesDWOn4="Default\Tab2","Close Results"
!LoginProfilesDWOff4="Default\Tab4","Display Clearance"
!LoginProfilesDWOff5="Default\Tab5","Enable EAP"


; Novell Client Install INI File
; VeRsIoN=v2.0 Novell Client Install - Control INI
; CoPyRiGhT=Copyright 2009, by Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.

; Novell Client for Windows Install and Upgrade Configuration

; MajorInternalVersion=
; Major Internal Version of the Client

; MinorInternalVersion=
; Minor Internal Version of the Client

; NovellClientPropertiesFile=
; Use a Novell Client Properties file (created by NCIman.exe)
; This must be a file name only. Paths are not allowed

; Novell Client for Windows Setup Configuration
; Setup installs the Novell Client for Windows
; and optionally installs other products.

; DisplayLanguageSelection=Yes
; Display the Novell Client Language selection dialog

; Specifies the default option to be selected for the
; Novell Client Language selection dialog. This selection
; will be effective even if DisplayLanguageSelection=No.
; Note that not every language is valid for selection on
; a given machine, so its possible to specify a language
; here that isn't valid on the machine where SETUP.EXE is
; running. In this case, the Novell Client Language
; selection behavior will ignore the language specified
; here and abide by its normal default selection behavior.
; Leaving this option blank ("DefaultLanguageSelection=")
; lets the Novell Client Language selection dialog perform
; its normal default selection behavior.
; Setting "DefaultLanguageSelection=WINDOWS" forces the
; "Use Windows language configuration" option to be selected.

; DisplayLicenseAgreement=Yes
; Display the Novell Client License Agreement dialog

; DisplayInitialDialog=Yes
; Display the initial Installation or Automatic Client Upgrade dialog

; DisplayBackground=No
; Display a full screen background window

; CreateSystemRestorePoint=Yes
; Create a Windows System Restore Point before installing the Novell Client.
; This setting is ignored on Windows platforms that do not provide the
; Windows System Restore Point service.

; InstallNMAS=Yes
; Install Novell Modular Authentication Services (NMAS)

; InstallNICI=Yes
; Install Novell International Cryptography Infrastructure (NICI)
; If InstallNMAS=Yes, InstallNICI will also be set to Yes

; ForceReboot=No
; Force the computer to reboot after installing the Novell Client

; DisplayRebootDialog=Yes
; Display the Reboot dialog after installing the Novell Client
; If ForceReboot=Yes, DisplayRebootDialog is ignored

; Novell Client for Windows ACU Configuration
; ACU determines if the Novell Client for Windows needs to be upgraded
; by comparing the Major version, Minor version, Support Pack version, Build Number
; ACU Major version, and the ACU Minor versions.
; If ACU determines that the Novell Client does need to be upgraded
; it launches Setup to perform the upgrade.

; DisplayUpgradeDialog=Yes
; Display the Novell Automatic Client Upgrade dialog before launching the upgrade

; Message=
; Additional text displayed on the Novell Automatic Client Upgrade dialog

; Novell Client for Windows Update Agent Configuration
; Update Agent updates the Novell Client for Windows by launching
; ACU to determine if an update is needed and Setup to perform
; the upgrade.

; Disabled=No
; Enable or Disable the Update Agent

; DisplayUpdateDialog=Yes
; Display the Update Agent dialog before launching the update

; DisplayUpdateLocation=No
; Display the location that the Novell Client will be updated
; from on the update dialog

; ApplyNovellClientPropertiesFile=Yes
; Apply the contents of the Novell Client Properties file
; referenced in the [NovellClient] section of this ini file
; to the registry separate from the install or upgrade process.

; Message=
; Additional text displayed on the Update Agent dialog

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I believe this has to do with Novell's digital certificate. I have an unattended installation of this client working, although I am not using WPI. Prior to running your command to install the client, you will need to install the Novell certificate. I am using the following commands to accomplish this:

certmgr.exe -add Novell.cer -c -s -r localMachine Root

certmgr.exe -add Novell.cer -c -s -r localMachine TrustedPublisher

You may have to specify the full paths for both certmgr.exe and Novell.cer, I placed both these files in my installation folder to make life easier.

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I notice certmgr.exe isnt native to windows, comes with the windows SDK, can I simply install the SDK and pull just that exe after the install?

I think you can do that as long as the file stays at your location. For example, you cannot redistribute parts of the SDK, which only means that after you install the cert, you would need to remove certmgr.exe from the OS before you deploy the machine. It may be possible to keep the file in there if you are doing an enterprise deployment and not reselling the system, but might be best to just play it safe.

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Works like a charm, the entire process is running from a usb stick so certmgr.exe never even hits the system dirve. You guys have been insanely helpfull. For anyone reading this post who thinks a step was skipped, to get Novell.cer simply install novell client normally in windows 7, then run certmgr.msc and export the certificate.

Thanks again

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