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install_wim_tweak & Windows 7 troubles

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Hi all!

I think I found a problem of using install_wim_tweak (v1.1) with W7. Hope you will help me to find some workaround :)

It seems that tweaking W7 image registry with install_wim_tweak tool breaks Windows 7 feature's mechanism.

After this tweak is installed and tweaked OS is installed on target machine (any?) attempt to change enabled feature causes removal of all features from the system.

I always check it by trying to enable IIS.

It starts like always: you select checkbox in the list, press OK and wait for operation to complete. But then it requires reboot (which also doesn't seem something catastrophic, but when I tried to do same steps without tweak installed, this operation did not required a reboot). While rebooting it shows you screen with clear message stating that features are configured. But if after all done you open feature list again you will ifnd that it's empty!

dism /online /get-features shows the same results: no features are available, like they've never been.

So, no error appears, but instead of enabling of feature, it completely removes all of them, which is both unusual and unexpected. :)

What can I do to undo whatever tweak does to the image's registry?

Edited by azon
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