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Hey guys, I am looking for a registry which can add search option in the right click.

Secondly I wish to use Autoit for running registries and 2 exe which are also registries but in exes.

Like for installing silent applications we use cmd file and for regisries we use .reg files I wish to compile cmd files and reg files in .exe with the help of Autoit.

I don't know anything about Autoit but I know Autoit can be used for such purpose, please help me guys.

Posted (edited)

Hey guys, I am looking for a registry which can add search option in the right click.

search via windows which is terrible and slow or something else.

Click my Seven_UA link and look in tools folder for psfind, adds a right click 'File Finder...' on drives and folders which works way better than MS search. can search content also with that

read the read.txt

Edited by maxXPsoft

Hey guys, I am looking for a registry which can add search option in the right click.

Secondly I wish to use Autoit for running registries and 2 exe which are also registries but in exes.

Like for installing silent applications we use cmd file and for regisries we use .reg files I wish to compile cmd files and reg files in .exe with the help of Autoit.

I don't know anything about Autoit but I know Autoit can be used for such purpose, please help me guys.

nice_guy75, I use AutoIt in XP x64 install and it is a very powerful tool. You can run programs from it as well a reading and writing Registry entries. It is fairly easy to use, has good online documentation and best of all is free. Enjoy, John.


Hey John can you please make a au3 file using this registry?????????????

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Created for AskVG.com by Vishal Gupta



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper\command]

@="control desk.cpl,,@desktop"


Hey John can you please make a au3 file using this registry?????????????

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Created for AskVG.com by Vishal Gupta



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper\command]

@="control desk.cpl,,@desktop"

RegWrite("HKCR\Directory\Background\shell", "", "REG_SZ", "none")
RegWrite("HKCR\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper\command", "", "REG_SZ", "control desk.cpl,,@desktop")

you can compile au3 file attached to convert reg files to au3



you can compile au3 file attached to convert reg files to au3

You are really a life saver brother, I was trying to learn how to write script for registries. Now I can make multiple reg files with this file, and then finally compile all those regitries into an exe file with Autoit.

Just one last question can I use this file to convert a reg file with multiple registries in it into au3 file.


nice_guy75, here is the code for just the first key/value - others will be same form. I also attach the compiled .exe which is a 64 bit executable. Hope this helps you understand. Please remember I am not a programmer, but a hacker. Enjoy, John.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: myName

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

;Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Created for AskVG.com by Vishal Gupta




;[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper]


;[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Change Wallpaper\command]

;@="control desk.cpl,,@desktop"

$ReturnCode = RegWrite("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell","","REG_SZ","none")

If $ReturnCode = 0 Then

MsgBox (48,"Registry error.", "Failure to write Default Value in shell Key, code = "&@error&".")


EDIT: My attached failed, but it does not look like you need it.


Search via windows which is terrible and slow or something else.

Click my Seven_UA link and look in tools folder for psfind, adds a right click 'File Finder...' on drives and folders which works way better than MS search. can search content also with that

read the read.txt

Thanks brother for your help but I am getting some problem when I try File Finder from right click this is what I get:


Though PDFind.exe is working fine but not the registry. Can you please suggest a solution for this?


No problem, I have working solution.... Just place Nirsoft SearchMyFiles.exe in your Windows directory and use this .reg file. It creates a Right Click entry on all your folders. Probably needs some tweaking, have at it.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="cmd /C \"SearchMyFiles.exe /BaseFolder %1 /StartSearch\""

Details and download here.

Posted (edited)

Though PDFind.exe is working fine but not the registry. Can you please suggest a solution for this?

Read.txt said copy pdfind.exe to root like C:\

No problem, I have working solution.... Just place Nirsoft SearchMyFiles.exe in your Windows directory and use this .reg file. It creates a Right Click entry on all your folders. Probably needs some tweaking, have at it.

Needs some tweaking for sure, when it open it starts listing every file instead of bringing up the criteria box.

I have my SearchMyFiles reg version bringing up criteria box but something not complete yet, hadn't got back to it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\. SearchMyFiles\command]
@="C:\\SearchMyFiles.exe /ScanSubfolders 1 /BaseFolder \"%1\""

EDIT: reason I put on root is for some reason 64 don't like me adding them things with my installer .cmds

Edited by maxXPsoft

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