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File Copy Progress Bar in WinPE


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Since WinPE doesn't have a file explorer, and those dialogs are part of explorer, there aren't any unless you've managed to hack explorer.exe onto a PE image.

I am now using CubicExplorer in my WinPE, are there any other Windows Explorer replacements which come with these dialogs and support Shell Extension on the right click menu?

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Since WinPE doesn't have a file explorer, and those dialogs are part of explorer, there aren't any unless you've managed to hack explorer.exe onto a PE image.

Solved by copying shellstyle.dll, explorerframe.dll and their related mui files to System32. Not related to Windows Explorer.

Edited by chantszhim
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Yes, those ARE called by explorer.exe when you right-click. Seems that the 3rd party explorer loads explorerframe.dll properly, which in turn will load shellstyle.dll and host the desktop style (classic, I'd guess) and the MUI files for it. Good catch, but explorerframe.dll does exactly what it sounds like it does, but your shell replacement obviously is coded to allow use of these binaries. Good find, but still explorer-related.

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