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Avira Setup Creator - for Avira Antivir Personal v10


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Hi Cyberyeye

Here updated language portuguese (ptbr) for ASC




MenuF_txt02=Criar Instalador




MenuC_txt03=ASC Gui


MenuH_txt02=Sobre ASC




Label1_txt=Veja abaixo os passos para a criacao do Instalador

step_txt01=Clique em 'Iniciar' para criar o novo instalador: Avira.exe !

step_txt02=Passo atual: Descarregando Avira setup !

step_txt03=Passo atual: Extraindo arquivos do Avira setup !

step_txt04=Passo atual: Descarregando arquivos de definicao de virus mais recentes !

step_txt05=Passo atual: Extraindo arquivos de definicao de vírus !

step_txt06=Passo atual: Empacotando todos os arquivos agora (7z)

step_txt07=Passo atual: Criando o novo Instalador do Avira...

step_txt08=Finalizado ! Novo instalador criado: Avira.exe

Unp_txt01=Descompactando Avira agora...

Unp_txt02=Descompactando arquivos de definicao de vírus mais recentes...

Pack_txt01=Comprimindo novos arquivos agora...

Crt_setup_txt=Criando agora o novo arquivo instalador do Avira: Avira.exe

av_txt=Descarregando Avira...

avdef_txt=Descarregando arquivos de definicao mais recentes...

av_old=ASC - Apagar ou salvar o arquivo Setup do avira original?

av_old02=Voce deseja apagar os arquivos do Avira descarregados nesta pasta?


av_old04=Arquivos de definicao de virus: vdf_fusebundle.zip

av_old05=Opcao recomendada: Sim

av_old06=Nota: Servidores de descarregamento do Avira as vezes estao muito lentos ou 'inativos'.

av_old07=Neste caso tente outra vez mais tarde ou descarregue manualmente o Setup do Avira

av_old08=de outro website:

chk_dsk_txt=Criar um icone no Desktop

chk_sm_txt=Criar uma pasta no Menu Iniciar

cfg_title=Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (PTBR)

cfg_prompt=Este instalador inclui arquivos atualizados de

cfg_prompt2=.\nClique OK para iniciar a instalacao!

cfg_extract=Extraindo arquivos, aguarde...


cfg_finish=Instalacao do Avira concluida!

cfg_help=Comando para instalacao silenciosa com barra de progresso: -y


Opt_Light=Criar Instalador Light (Asc Light)

Opt_Light_tips=See Faq: ASC Light (apagar alguns arquivos originais para a versao light do Avira.exe)

CheckFileTxt=Verificar servidores do Avira

CheckFileTxt_Tips=Verificar se todos os arquivos estao disponiveis no servidor do Avira!


Regard, Sunlion


Edited by SunLion
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Hi Cyberyeye

updated italian translation for ASC

MenuF_txt02=Crea il nuovo file di installazione
MenuC_txt03=ASC Gui
MenuH_txt02=A proposito di ASC
MenuH_txt05=Linea di comando
Label1_txt=Fase della creazione del file di installazione:
step_txt01=Clicca su 'Avvio' per iniziare la creazione del file di installazione!
step_txt02=In corso: Download del kit di installazione di Avira!
step_txt03=In corso: Estrazione dei file dal kit di installazione di Avira!
step_txt04=In corso: Download aggiornamento definizioni virus!
step_txt05=In corso: Estrazione aggiornamenti definizioni virus!
step_txt06=In corso: Compressione di tutti i file (7z)
step_txt07=In corso: Creazione del nuovo file di installazione Avira...
step_txt08=Terminato! Nuovo file di installazione creato: Avira.exe
Unp_txt01=Decompressione kit di Avira...
Unp_txt02=Decompressione aggiornamento definizioni virus...
Pack_txt01=Compressione dei nuovi file...
Crt_setup_txt=Creazione in corso del nuovo file di installazione: Avira.exe
av_txt=Download kit di Avira...
avdef_txt=Download definizioni virus...
av_old=ASC - Eliminare o mantenere i vecchi file di Avira?
av_old02=Vuoi eliminare i precedenti file di Avira scaricati in questa cartella?
av_old04=File definizioni virus: vdf_fusebundle.zip
av_old05=Scelta raccomandata: Si
av_old06=Nota: I server di download Avira a volte sono lenti per sovraccarico.
av_old07=In questo caso prova più tardi, o fai un download manuale
av_old08=da un altro sito:
chk_dsk_txt=Creare un'icona sul Desktop
chk_sm_txt=Creare una cartella nel menu Start
cfg_title=Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (IT)
cfg_prompt=Questo setup include gli aggiornamenti al
cfg_prompt2=\nClicca OK per iniziare l'installazione!
cfg_extract=Estrazione file, attendere...
cfg_finish=Installazione di Avira terminata!
cfg_help=Switch per installazione silenziosa con barra avanzamento: -y
Opt_Light=Crea una versione leggera del file di installazione (Asc Light)
Opt_Light_tips=Vedi le FAQ: ASC Light (elimina alcuni file per alleggerire Avira.exe)
CheckFileTxt=Controlla il server Avira
CheckFileTxt_Tips=Controlla se tutti i file sono disponibili sul server di Avira!



Edited by rainforest
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To Rainforest and Sunlion, many thanks again :thumbup

New build is up: including both updated translation (Italian & Portuguêse/Brazil)

Only these two translation has been updated, and 7zlib @ beta18, so it's a minor update.

Regards Cyberyeye

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  • 1 month later...

New build is up:, it's a minor update.

Updated 7zlib(9.20 beta); Asc Light remove now only one file: vcredist_x86.exe

others previously removed files were less than 1Mb so I prefer to keep it inside Avira.exe (*.gz & avpack32.dll)

First page to get the download link as usual.

Regards Cyberyeye

Edited by cyberyeye
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot! Just what i needed! ;)

Here you have Spanish Lang:

MenuF_txt02=Crear un nuevo instalador
MenuC_txt03=ASC Gui
MenuH_txt02=Acerca de ASC
MenuH_txt05=Línea de comandos
Label1_txt=Abajo puedes ir viendo los diferentes pasos del proceso:
step_txt01=¡Pulsa 'Comenzar' para crear un nuevo instalador!
step_txt02=Paso actual: Descargando el instalador de Avira
step_txt03=Paso actual: Extrayendo archivos del instalador de Avira
step_txt04=Paso actual: Descargando las últimas definiciones de virus
step_txt05=Paso actual: Extrayendo las definiciones de virus
step_txt06=Paso actual: Comprimiendo todos los archivos (7z)
step_txt07=Paso actual: Creando un nuevo instalador de Avira...
step_txt08=¡Finalizado! Nuevo instalador creado: Avira.exe
Unp_txt01=Descomprimiendo Avira...
Unp_txt02=Descomprimiendo las últimas definiciones de virus...
Pack_txt01=Comprimiendo todos los nuevos archivos...
Crt_setup_txt=Creando el nuevo instalador de Avira: Avira.exe
av_txt=Descargando Avira...
avdef_txt=Descargando las últimas definiciones de virus...
av_old=ASC - ¿Eliminar o mantener antiguos archivos de instalación de Avira?
av_old02=¿Quieres eliminar los ficheros descargados anteriormente en esta carpeta?
av_old04=Archivo de definiciones de virus: vdf_fusebundle.zip
av_old05=Opción recomendada: Sí
av_old06=Nota: el servidor de descargas de Avira a veces 'está caído' o ralentizado.
av_old07=En este caso inténtalo más tarde, o descarga el instalador de Avira manualmente
av_old08=desde otra página web:
chk_dsk_txt=Crear un acceso directo en el escritorio
chk_sm_txt=Crear un acceso directo en el menú de inicio
cfg_title=Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (ES)
cfg_prompt=Esta instalación incluye los archivos de instalación de
cfg_prompt2=.\n¡Pulsa OK para comenzar la instalación!
cfg_extract=Extrayendo archivos, por favor espere...
cfg_finish=¡La instalación de Avira ha finalizado!
cfg_help=Parámetro para instalación desatendida con barra de progreso: -y
Opt_Light=Crear una instalación liviana (Asc Light)
Opt_Light_tips=Ver Faq: ASC Light (elimina algunos archivos originales para reducir el tamaño de Avira.exe)
CheckFileTxt=Comprobar el Servidor de Avira
CheckFileTxt_Tips=¡Comprobar si todos los archivos están disponibles en el servidor de Avira!

Edited by funkwave
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all !

New build:

- Avira Setup is now available in Chinese: zh-cn and zh-tw

- Avira Setup is now available in Korean

ASC can use these new language now ;)

(i'm still looking for ASC translation in: JP, KR, Chinese)

As usual, ASC download link has been updated in the first post from this topic.

Regards, Cyberyeye

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There is no silent installation switch with official installer from avira personnal edition. Unattended deployement is reserved only for Server & workstation official setup.

But you can use an autoit script for doing a custom and silent installation (for Antivir PE). Of course you will had to build you're own script !

Note: Untested method (below) but it should works (?)

1 Extract Avira installer, eg with 7zip, in a new empty dir: X:\AviraExtracted

2. Install MS Visual Runtime >> vcredist_x86.exe (/qb ;should do a silent install)

3. Install Avira PE using: X:\AviraExtracted\presetup.exe /inf=X:\AviraExtracted\setup.inf

(x = your drive letter, dvdrom or usb pendisk)


















You can get a description of these option (setup.inf) from Avira Antivir Server from avira website: look in their PDF

Good luck !

PS: or you can use ASC ;)

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Haha ok you've made your point. ASC is running now :)

Btw, since I am going to install it on Win7 x64, visual c++ runtime should already be installed right? So a light setup would be enough unless I would install on XP.

EDIT: hmm, you are using the modified 7z sfx module from Oleg_Sch? Good choice. But it seems you forgot to add the config.txt file? I cannot find it in the ASC package and when I run the created Avira.exe I get an error about the sfx configuration file could not be found.

Edited by ZileXa
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Btw, since I am going to install it on Win7 x64, visual c++ runtime should already be installed right? So a light setup would be enough unless I would install on XP

I'm using XP so I can't say for sure, Avira Antivir 10 PE use this build: 9.0.30729.4148, i don't know if this is include with Seven or... not.

EDIT: hmm, you are using the modified 7z sfx module from Oleg_Sch? Good choice. But it seems you forgot to add the config.txt file? I cannot find it in the ASC package and when I run the created Avira.exe I get an error about the sfx configuration file could not be found.

Thanks ! I like "Oleg" 7z module a lot too, he's doing a really great work on these module !

Config.txt file is create automatically by ASC (when you start ASC the file is create in the Antivir language to build in ASC) and then config.txt is add in the setup generated by ASC at the final step (avira.exe final executable).

(sourcecode in autoit (au3 format) is freely provided in ../Src sub-directory)

For your bug, i think that you have put Asc, in a directory containing, one or more, space character, eg: C:\Bla bla bla\ASC 1220\Asc.exe

Try to put Asc.exe in a directory containing NO space, eg: c:\Blabla\Asc\Asc.exe

(this is explain in the Faq)

This should resolve you're problem, at least I hope so !

Edit: Below a screen capture when Asc is started


Config.txt is created automatically in the language choosen in Asc (I mean Antivir language setup to build)

Example if we choose French in Asc > a french config.txt is generated and use by Asc (include in Avira.exe)


Title="Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (FR)"

ExtractTitle="Avira AntiVir Personal 10 (FR)"

BeginPrompt="Cet installeur contient la MAJ du 08.02.2011.\nCliquer sur OK pour commencer l'installation!"

ExtractDialogText="Extraction des fichiers, veuillez patienter..."


RunProgram="\"%%T\\presetup.exe\" /inf=\"%%T\\setup.inf\""



FinishMessage="Installation de Avira terminer!"

HelpText="Switch pour installation silencieuse avec barre de progression: -y"


If you choose a english, or other language, of course Asc will generate the appropriate language.

Edited by cyberyeye
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Btw, since I am going to install it on Win7 x64, visual c++ runtime should already be installed right? So a light setup would be enough unless I would install on XP

I'm using XP so I can't say for sure, Avira Antivir 10 PE use this build: 9.0.30729.4148, i don't know if this is include with Seven or... not.

EDIT: hmm, you are using the modified 7z sfx module from Oleg_Sch? Good choice. But it seems you forgot to add the config.txt file? I cannot find it in the ASC package and when I run the created Avira.exe I get an error about the sfx configuration file could not be found.

Thanks ! I like "Oleg" 7z module a lot too, he's doing a really great work on these module !

Config.txt file is create automatically by ASC (when you start ASC the file is create in the Antivir language to build in ASC) and then config.txt is add in the setup generated by ASC at the final step (avira.exe final executable).

(sourcecode in autoit (au3 format) is freely provided in ../Src sub-directory)

For your bug, i think that you have put Asc, in a directory containing, one or more, space character, eg: C:\Bla bla bla\ASC 1220\Asc.exe

Try to put Asc.exe in a directory containing NO space, eg: c:\Blabla\Asc\Asc.exe

(this is explain in the Faq)

This should resolve you're problem, at least I hope so !

Ok to be absolutely sure I extracted the contents of the ASC download to C:\ASC1220 and ran the installer... same result.

but after I rebooted my laptop and tried it again without redownloading everything it worked perfectly!

Edited by ZileXa
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Maybe a bug between AutoIT (Asc is code in Autoit language) and Seven ? I never had this bug with XP. A few month ago I've test Asc in a VM (vbox) with Seven 32b. and sometimes (rarely) Avira.exe was corrupted, i've tried many different code for creating Avira.exe (old dos style using copy /B; or with autoit function > same random result).

Don't ask me why, i have absolutly no idea, and this bug has never appear on XP, so... that's why my guess is that in some unknow circumstance this bug appear sometimes ! But only when using Seven (admin account, Uac and a/v deactivate... change nothing this bug can appear on Seven whenever it want: that's insane !)

Indeed... Running Asc a second time, or doing a reboot, solve this rare bug most of the time.

(maybe this bug will be fix with SP1 or with the next Autoit version)

Edited by cyberyeye
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