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how to make cleanup.cmd

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hi everybody.

i want to make cleanup.cmd to just remove install folder after setup of programs by RunOnceEX.CMD.

i want to make it run from RunOnceEx.cmd.

i dont want it to reboot the system.

just remove the install folder without reboot

can i have any help?

thanks in advance

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What about not bothering writing a cleanup.cmd file then and just running the line directly from RunOnceEx.

example section of runonceex.cmd

Reg add %KEY%\095 /ve /d "Cleaning Up"
Reg add %KEY%\095 /v 1 /d "%%comspec%% /c @rd/s/q %systemdrive%\install"

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What about not bothering writing a cleanup.cmd file then and just running the line directly from RunOnceEx.

example section of runonceex.cmd

Reg add %KEY%\095 /ve /d "Cleaning Up"
Reg add %KEY%\095 /v 1 /d "%%comspec%% /c @rd/s/q %systemdrive%\install"

thanks for great help.

( %%comspec%% )? what is this?

can i edit it?

thanks for help

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Open a Command Prompt and type echo/%comspec% to reveal what it is!

Of course you can edit it, (it's your file and you have control over it), however unless your Install directory is in a different location, then I wouldn't suggest that doing so is at the top of your todo list!

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