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Quick Launch Classic 7 Tool 1.0.5

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Posted (edited)

I see a program freelaunchbar32.exe and freelaunchbar64.msi ( inside the zip folder) working fine with Windows 7 (freeware)!

Free Launch Bar

Silent install:

C:\freelaunchbar32.exe /S /D=C:\"Program Files"\FreeLaunchBar

Edited by myselfidem

Posted (edited)

Hi all! :rolleyes:

I've added inside the script a new value.

That's mean if the Langbar is on the Taskbar or not the Quick Launch is installed and moved to the left!

;Reading the Status of the Langbar (value "4" Langbar is on the Taskbar)
$Langbar = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus")

;Case $Langbar = value "4" The Langbar is on the Taskbar and must be disabled
Case $Langbar = "4"


The Langbar will be enabled on the next reboot, even if this one were not on the Taskbar first!

Include languages: en-US, fr-FR, se-SE, da-DK, nl-NL, nb-NO

Downlaod for testing:


Works really fine for me (fr-FR)!

*Edit: Added some changes inside the script!

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Hi all! :rolleyes:

I've added inside the script a new value.

lol my selfidem you have so much time lol :).....

try add this line and make it function with it, i dont have the time atm,

It will check for the taskbarsizemove if its locked then it will remove lock and the script can continue else if already unlocked it continue this is what we need so everyone can run it without the need to remove lock first.

Add this code to the top of the script

$Taskbarsizemove = RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced", "TaskbarSizeMove")
If $Taskbarsizemove = 0 Then
Until Not ProcessExists("explorer.exe")
sleep ( 1000 )
RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced", "TaskbarSizeMove", "REG_DWORD", "1")
sleep ( 1000 )
If Not ProcessWait("explorer.exe", 5) Then Run(@WindowsDir & "\explorer.exe")

and remember to remove this

REGWRITE("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced","TaskbarSizeMove","REG_DWORD","0") in the script first

Edited by wazer
Posted (edited)

Many thanks wazer! :rolleyes:

I've made some changes inside the script.

;Reading the Status of the Langbar (value "4" Langbar is on the Taskbar)

$Langbar = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus")


;Case $Langbar = "4" The Langbar is on the Taskbar and must be disabled

Case $Langbar = "4"



Maybe it's missing something or it is not correct?

Working fine on my computer (with Langbar or without) but with silent install doesn't works.

It's needed to reboot and launch the script and it's OK; 7QuickLaunch is installed!


I will try your suggestion and add the value you've given me!

Yes I've some time but I really want to find a workaround for 7QuickLaunch!!!

I give you a report. Thanks again.

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Hello wazer! :rolleyes:

Finally I think I've really found a "workaround" for the "Langbar" (set on the Taskbar or not)!

If the Langbar is on the Taskbar or not, 7QuickLaunch.exe will install the "Quick Launch" on the left and keep the values the user have choosen!

Download for testing (include much languages):


Tested on my computer (Windows 7 French version) and with silent installation and works really fine! :thumbup

*Edit: File updated

Edited by myselfidem

Hello wazer! :rolleyes:

Finally I think I've really found a "workaround" for the "Langbar" (set on the Taskbar or not)!

If the Langbar is on the Taskbar or not, 7QuickLaunch.exe will install the "Quick Launch" on the left and keep the values the user have choosen!

Download for testing (include much languages):


Tested on my computer (Windows 7 French version) and with silent installation and works really fine! :thumbup

Try to add your solutions to this newest one i have made. This one works for me and others even under unattended installation, it has to take this long before it works correctly.

Iv added german support aswell, and cleaned up abit.

Posted (edited)

Many thanks wazer! :rolleyes:

The challenge is when a user add a reg file to disable or close the Langbar after the installation is done; or if he wants keep the Langbar on the Taskbar!

With my script this two circumstances are taken into account and in all these two conditions the "Quick Launch" is installed on the left and the values choosen by the user are kept.

Thanks to try it!

I will wait your new version with these new lines you can see inside my script if you want add these and if you see it's working fine.


Edited by myselfidem

don't know why but running both myselfidem and wazer of your latest I now get a Desktop toolbar also

wazer script creates 2 Quicklaunch also but myselfidem does not

I am running 64 bit and make sure toolbar is locked before trying which is default

Posted (edited)



I think it's needed to improve the script for 64-bits because Windows is more faster.

Maybe at this lines I can add a sleep delay to see if the Langbar is on the Taskbar or not:

$FloatingLangBar = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", "[CLASS:CiceroUIWndFrame]")

If @error = 0 Then



RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus", "REG_DWORD", "3")


I will take a look and try with my Windows 64-bits version!



I think it's better to use WinActive at this line inside the script and I think you will have only one Quick Launch and not two:

Func _TaskToolbarWin7($toolbardir)

MouseClick("right", 0, @DesktopHeight)




Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

I've made some changes inside the script (language: de-DE added) and tested with Virtual Machine with Windows 64-bits. Works fine for me!

Works fine with Windows 32-bits with Langbar on the Taskbar or not (Tested)!

Works really fine for me also with Windows 7 64-bits!

Yes, when I use 7QuickLaunch made by wazer I've also 2 Quick Launch.

Changes inside the new script:

$TRAY = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", "[CLASS:CiceroUIWndFrame]")

If @error = 0 Then ;Langbar is on the Taskbar and will be disabled


Else ; Langbar is closed

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus", "REG_DWORD", "3")



Download for testing:


Edited by myselfidem

Fresh install but I did use one of the older which still worked on my UA. Had done some new things and wanted to test


myselfidem using your new I still get the Desktop toolbar. I have small icons would that make a difference? something not computing

Posted (edited)

Fresh install but I did use one of the older which still worked on my UA. Had done some new things and wanted to test


myselfidem using your new I still get the Desktop toolbar. I have small icons would that make a difference? something not computing

I've also small icons and I think it wouldn't that make a difference!

I think the diffrence it's to have the Langbar on the Taskbar or not and write the script correctly!

I've made a new 7QuickLaunch with some changes and works fine for me on my computer or with silent install.

Tested also with OS 64-bits! Langbar on the Taskbar or not!


;Adding Reg Entries.

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced", "TaskbarSizeMove", "REG_DWORD", "0")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced", "TaskbarSmallIcons", "REG_DWORD", "1")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced", "TaskbarGlomLevel", "REG_DWORD", "2")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer", "EnableAutoTray", "REG_DWORD", "0")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer", "TaskbarNoPinnedList", "REG_DWORD", "1")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", "Settings", "REG_BINARY", "28000000ffffffff02000000030000003e0000004e000000feffffffce030000920600001c040000")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus", "REG_DWORD", "3")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "Transparency", "REG_DWORD", "255")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "Label", "REG_DWORD", "1")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ExtraIconsOnMinimized", "REG_DWORD", "0")

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\MSUTB", "AutoAdjustDeskBand", "REG_DWORD", "0")

;Unlock Taskbar


$TRAY = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", "[CLASS:CiceroUIWndFrame; TEXT:TF_FloatingLangBar_WndTitle]")

If @error = 0 Then ;Langbar is on the Taskbar and will be disabled


Else ;Langbar is closed


RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CTF\LangBar", "ShowStatus", "REG_DWORD", "3")



Works really fine for me with Langbar on the Taskbar or not; with silent install also (French language)

With Lanbgar Image

Without Langbar Image

*Edit: Changes made inside the folder 7QuickLaunch.zip

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Hi all! :rolleyes:

I've created a new 7QuickLaunch.zip with a new value!

Works fine for me.


$TRAY = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", "[CLASS:CiceroUIWndFrame; TEXT:TF_FloatingLangBar_WndTitle]")

If Not @error Then ; Langbar is on the Taskbar



Download for testing:



7QucikLaunch without Langbar Image

*Edit: tested with Windows 7 32-bits and 64-bits. Working fine!

Edited by myselfidem

Hi all! :rolleyes:

I've created a new 7QuickLaunch.zip with a new value!

I know you want to have this working for all, but start with only having on ql txt file, i can see your using alot of old ones i made previous :). The one with \ advanced space :). If you know what im talking about :). ill look at your add on when i got the time, right now theres to much hazzle for me :( sorry.

Posted (edited)

I know you want to have this working for all, but start with only having on ql txt file, i can see your using alot of old ones i made previous :). The one with \ advanced space :). If you know what im talking about :). ill look at your add on when i got the time, right now theres to much hazzle for me :( sorry.

Thanks wazer!

I will try to make the flie lighter and delete the lines with the \ advanced space :rolleyes:

*Edit: here is the 7QuickLaunch.au3 lighter:


Edited by myselfidem

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