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Multiple Install.wim/setup files, each in own folder in sources?


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Although I've seen the term Warez a few times on the 'Net, I've never discovered the meaning. Googling it.

I must admit, I didn't read the forum rules, as I've read rules on many forms, and usually manage to stay out of trouble. That, however sounds like a warning. Now Googling faster...

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Yikes!! I wasn't aware that F4UBCD was illegal!!


It kind of makes sense that Mini XP would be illegal, it didn't occur to me until now - Microsoft frowns on re-distributing their stuff.


I am positive that not all of the software on there is illegal - most of it is open source freeware. However including ANY commercial or copyrighted software in the collection, would definitely make said collection a no-no.


Still, I had fun accomplishing the task. I'll probably look through, find and cut out the commercial contraband in my personal stuff.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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Yeah most of both those iso files are legally redistruted. However there are a couple of even the freeware ones that explicitly forbid distribution from non authorized sources. Plus as you already know the ms files. I'm glad you took the time to research and hope you still visit here more.

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