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Reducing Win 7 size WITHOUT reinstall


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Please do not asnwer me to reinstall instead. There is no sense in it. I spent weeks to tune adn set up my system, installing and configuring programs, and now it is working well. Why should I reinstall an otherwise totally functioning and working system?

I have Win 7 installed on a 15 Gb drive, and it takes about 10 Giga, without the work softwares and that is senseless and ridiculous. My XP took less than 9 G with all the programs I use for work.

All I would need is to remove everything not neccessary or do not need. I know such programs exist for XP, and I hope it exists for Win7, or Vista (that is usually compatible woth Win7).

My notebook is a work system, I use it regularly, I can't just demolish everything and reinstall it. Many people feels easy to reinstall all the time if it would be a minor change but my system is always very uniquely configured, I have many programs and all programs are also uniquely configured one by one.

Reinstall is the very last solution if nothing I have no other choice.

Could you please give me any suggestion or help with this?

Thank you.


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Please do not asnwer me to reinstall instead. There is no sense in it. I spent weeks to tune adn set up my system, installing and configuring programs, and now it is working well. Why should I reinstall an otherwise totally functioning and working system?

I have Win 7 installed on a 15 Gb drive, and it takes about 10 Giga, without the work softwares and that is senseless and ridiculous. My XP took less than 9 G with all the programs I use for work.

All I would need is to remove everything not neccessary or do not need. I know such programs exist for XP, and I hope it exists for Win7, or Vista (that is usually compatible woth Win7).

My notebook is a work system, I use it regularly, I can't just demolish everything and reinstall it. Many people feels easy to reinstall all the time if it would be a minor change but my system is always very uniquely configured, I have many programs and all programs are also uniquely configured one by one.

Reinstall is the very last solution if nothing I have no other choice.

Could you please give me any suggestion or help with this?

Thank you.


Well at first hand theres the hibernation file(1GB or so) so i you dont use that you could save ~1Gb from there.You can also play with the paging file size.In my 2GB RAM pc it sets paging file to 2.3GB but that always seems bit of an overkill so you could try adjusting the size to little lower end see if i causes problems or not.I have also deleted many unnessesary help and support files/folders from C:\Program Files .That does not give much extra space but maybe 100MB max.You can also delete screensavers from C:\Windows and default wallpapers from C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper .Also you can delete user account pictures from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures [hidden folder] .You can delete fonts you do not use,delete windows sounds you do not use,delete cursors and so on.

Hopefully you got some ideas

Edited by Tomorrow
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Do you need Windows 7? You really should reinstall to XP, especially if you want to keep up with updates. Win 7 & Vista use hard links, so files you see in \Windows\System32 and other system folders are actually in \Windows\winsxs, but Microsoft did not have their own tools like Explorer calculate disk space correctly, so you may have tons more space left but Windows might not let you use it anyway. When you install hotfixes you lose even more space, since you say it's for work I doubt they'd let you use it without keeping up with security updates.

Either install XP, or get a much bigger hard drive. Other than that Windows 7 RC (pre-release) was meant for testing and not putting into production, it will expire; March 1, 2010, it will shut down every 2 hours, and eventually not work at all.

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