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WLAN / Private Lan issues

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Got a networking problem that I just can't figure out!

Network setup as follows:


Internet -> Router (static IP via WiFi) -> Server 2003 (DHCP via wired) -> Switch -> LAN Clients


Internet -> Router (static IP via WiFi) -> WiFi Clients (Laptops)

(Router is same for LAN and WLAN)

The LAN server is in my home office and is acting as a File Server and NAT server to the clients in the office via the switch. Trouble is, the LAN clients can't see wireless network and visa versa, so the files on the server are inacessable to the wireless clients.

Any ideas on how to get the networks to talk? They cant even ping each other.

Server setup as follows:

File Server role

Remote Access / VPN server role (supplies internet to office)

DNS Server

DHCP Server (supplies IP's to office)

WINS Server

What puzzles me is that the server uses the router for the internet, but can't ping it, or the clients on the WiFi..



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Are the Router/WiFi and Server/LAN broadcast domains the same?

If the WiFi is something like with a netmask of

Then the LAN should be similar to with a netmask of

Hope this helps.

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The LAN server is in my home office and is acting as a File Server and NAT server to the clients in the office via the switch. Trouble is, the LAN clients can't see wireless network and visa versa, so the files on the server are inacessable to the wireless clients.

Also, if your LAN clients are NATted behind your server, and the server and the wirless are on the same broadcast domain, wireless clients will not be able to conatct LAN clients directly. LAN clients, however, should be able to contact wireless clients (if I am understanding your topography correctly).

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The Internet WiFi router is and DHCP is off. The server is assigned (netmask; any further WiFi devices are using addresses from - 29.

The server distributes DHCP via a switch addresses ranging from - 99 with netmask of

The server shares the internet with the clients on the switch via the Remote Access / VPN server role (RAV); this role is setup to use the internet with the 30.30 address with the WiFi router (30.20) as the gateway and the netmask of 255... The RAV role also managed a NAT firewall, but switching this on and off made no difference.

Neither the Wireless devices nor the Wired devices can see each other.

This is my current topology:


My colleague has just suggested something interesting though. I have an old Netgear ADSL router at home that he suggested I use. He thinks I should continue to serve the internet to the server via the internet router but then have the old router plugged into the switch, receiving a DHCP address from the server and distributing DHCP addresses (either from itself or from the server) to the Wireless devices.


He also suggested that because the server is receiving the internet on one card and connecting to the switch and it's clients on another, there might be some issues there.

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