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Asus Intel Chipset Driver Installation (Multiple MoBos)?

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Hi guys,

Referring to the Asus Intel Chipset readme (the relevant section is quoted below):

Can I copy ALL the XP inf/cat files over to the $OEM$ directory and the correct one will be automatically installed, or do I have to select a specific chipset? I will be using this disk to install several systems, and the motherboards are not all the same (although they DO use the same Intel driver package - I have checked that).

Finally, I will be dual booting some of these systems with XP x64 as well as XP Pro, so I am also creating an x64 install disk. The driver package is x64 compatible (there is an AsusSetup_64.inf file). Can I use exactly the same procedure?

Many thanks,


NOTE: The Windows* XP OEM Preload Kit distribution CD contains
a setup directory with all the base operating system
setup files and installation programs (WINNT.EXE and

The name of the directory may vary depending on the
distribution CD (e.g., \I386\).

1. Create the following directory structure under the
<WINXP Setup Directory>:


2. Copy the Windows* XP INF files from
<INF Extract Directory>\XXXX\All to the directory
created in Step 1 above:

<WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$$\INF

NOTE: XXXX is the directory name for the chipset of
interest. Refer to Section 8 for more details.

3. Create the following directory structure under the
<WINXP Setup Directory>:


4. Copy the Windows* XP INF files AND the catalog files
(.CAT) from <INF Extract Directory>\XXXX\All to the
directory created in Step 4 above:

<WINXP Setup Directory>\$OEM$\$1\drivers\IntelINF

NOTE: XXXX is the directory name for the chipset of
interest. Refer to Section 8 for more details.

5. Either modify the default Windows* XP installation
answer file, UNATTEND.TXT, located in <WINXP Setup
Directory>, or create a customized answer file. The
answer file must include the following information:

OemPreinstall = Yes

A sample answer file for preloading the Intel(R) Chipset
Device Software files is available:
<INF Extract Directory>\XXXX\All\INFAnswr.TXT

If you are a computer manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft*
Windows* XP Guide to Unattended Setup for more information
about Windows* XP answer files and unattended installations.
For more information about the \$OEM$ folder, refer to the
Microsoft Windows* XP OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK)
User Guide. If you are not a manufacturer, refer to the Microsoft
Windows* XP Deployment Guide.

6. Run "WINNT.EXE /u:<answer file name> /s:<WINXP Setup
Directory>" to install Windows* XP.

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