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BSOD on first XPx64 startup with slipstreamed install

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You did say too many, which I think of as unnecessary, or at least redundant.

Did a few more, I have been trying a simplified batch file, but with a new name, it doesn't seem to be making any attempt to install any of the apps.



I used Run2_XP-64.bat as a template, should I have used Run1? Some of the originals had /S and some had /Silent, does this matter?


arpharazon, did you name your batch file a .txt to attach it or is it really named that? If so, you must remove the .txt that Notepad adds. What is the line "Set Source=%1" in your file for? I don't see where %1 is defined. NLite defines %source before calling the RunOnce file. See the nLite.cmd file in your folder after nLite runs. It may be named .CM_ and need to be expanded to edit the contents. Did you place your .bat in the source folder and your installers in the AddOns folder, parallel to the AMD64 folder? It would probably have been better to start with the the Run1 bat, but you are OK. You certainly don't need the 120 second wait at the beginning. The real intent of Run2 was to be scheduled by Run1 to do some additional work after a reboot. I have never found a use for it. I use WPI. Some installers need /S and some /SILENT and some /Q and others /QUIET - it does matter. That is why I am glad to take the work that others have done and use it. Enjoy, John.


I added the .txt to the end because it wouldn't allow me to upload it with .bat.

Here is the original file Run2_XP_64.bat.txt

I just replaced the filenames with those I want to install.

The addon folder needs to be in the Windows installation folder? I'd swear I saw somewhere it needed to be in the nLite "working folder". Maybe I misunderstood which is the working folder.

Will it tell me if the /s /q thing is wrong?

I'll try it with the addon folder in the Win Installation folder. Heck, I'll put a copy of the .bat file in there too.


arpharazon, some installers will fail if you give them a bad switch, some will simply ignore it. There is a utility called Universal Silent Switch Finder (USSF), found in these forums, which will find many switches for you. The nLite working folder, source folder and Windows installation folder are the same thing. It is the folder you copy your original CD contents into and point to to start an nLite run. Enjoy, John.


I definitely have some installers that ignore all switches. USSF was actually pretty worthless. It said "sorry unknown switch" on a couple I had already gotten the silent switch to work.

Firefox, Shockwave, VMware, and DIVX all refuse to "go quietly" (Shockwave only requires <close> to be hit). So much for a completely unattended installation. It seems to be ignoring VistaCodecs altogether (no relation to WinVista).

I even found a list of 8 switches (/q, /qn, /silent, /s, /NoUserInput, /unattended, /CreateAnswerFile (?), /quiet). I tried each one on each of the stubborn installers in the command prompt window.

Does it not recognize a video driver in the virtual world? I have my NVIDIA driver in there along with ASUS LAN & Audio drivers (no problem with these), but it does not show a video card as being installed. I know there is another audio driver needed if you want sound in virtual.

I remembered the run-once hotfixes/updates in the runonce folder (Net Frameworks, DirectX, etc.) and modified the RUN1_XP-64.BAT to run only what I have in there and added it.

In a batch file, if I wanted to restart, how would I write that? I've seen the word "shutdown", at the end of RUN1_XP-64.BAT.

But overall, working pretty good, thanks entirely to you & Kurt. I would have given up in disgust already after the start I had.

Tomorrow, I think I'll try a CD installation again.


arpharazon, I have found USSF very useful. Sometimes you have to extract the installer and go again at a lower level. Kurt_Aust's Run1 has Firefox, VMware and Shockwave switches and many more. Windows does not install drivers for which there is no hardware. Since virtual systems have their own drivers for their virtual hardware, then yours are ignored. You will find them in C:\WINDOWS\NLDRV. The shutdown command at the bottom of Run1 is the restart command. If you open a command prompt and enter "shutdown /?'' without the quotes, you will see all the switches and functions of the command. If you are running VMware Server 2, then the audio driver is in VMware Tools. Enjoy, John.


I went back to a "real" installation after the many virtual ones, with an old and very aggravating result.

Using a DVD+RW now and "full" erasing it each time before re-burning the ISO.

1st try - Put in 1 driver, ASUS LAN driver. BSOD, same exact Stop message as before, the one you said was driver related.

2nd try - Replaced the LAN driver with the ASUS audio driver. BSOD, same exact Stop message.

3rd try - Replaced the audio driver with the NVIDIA driver. BSOD, same exact Stop message.

4th try - (here's where it gets good) Went with no drivers, just the install I fine tuned via the virtual server. BSOD, still with the driver related Stop message. Did this twice to make sure, same result.

Now, I know the VMWare server ignored any device drivers, but the slipstreamed installation worked there. This is the one that pretty much followed Kurt's tutorial, even though the last "real" one (before I used Kurt's tutorial) without drivers I made worked.


Unfortunately, I formatted and installed to the drive I had the virtual server on, without uninstalling it first. Now I can't reinstall it. It keeps saying there's a version *somewhere* even though I've removed all references to it in the registry, temp folders, etc. I won't be able to go back to testing in a virtual environment until I get this straightened out.


arpharazon, I am pretty much at a lost, as I am sure you are. Did you check the size and MD5 of files you DLed? Kurt_Aust listed at least size and often MD5 for most of the files he listed. He also listed the total size and count of the final Hot Fix folder. Have you checked against this? If nothing pops up, I suggest you remove your calls to your batch files and all Hot Fixes and see if this will install. Sorry, this has been such a headache for you.

Is your virtual system still in Add/Remove? Are any of its files in your Program Files (x86) folder? You may need to run the MSI Cleanup Utility from Microsoft - please be very careful with this one. I have never used it but looked into it once and it can get one into trouble.

Please keep us informed. Thanks, John.


The file sizes all check out, and the MD5 info on the few that have it. I have a few less hotfixes that don't apply to me (Outlook ones for example).

For Kurt's list of hotfixes, do the 3 digit numbers preceding the filename mean anything? Should these #'s be added to the filenames themselves?


arpharazon, I don't think Kurt_Aust list has any Outlook updates. It probably does have Outlook Express updates, which should be included. Have you placed the KBs that will not integrate via nLite into your batch file? Please see his Run1 file. When you DL his WinXP-64_sp2+ folder (end of his first post), you will find a folder called Misc containing UpdatePrep.bat. You should run this batch file. It assigns the leading numbers and uses them to sort and delete hot fixes. Having them on the name is of no consequence to nLite - just a name. These kinds of questions are why I suggested you simply remove what I suggested, and see if you can get a successful install on HW. Please let me know. Enjoy, John.


I started completely from scratch and it went back to going OK.

I manually added those leading numbers, if only as a way to compare and verify that I had the correct KB's since he lists them in order by those 3 digit #'s.

The list has 2 Outlook Express updates, which I omitted since I remove Outlook Express from the installation (I have never used it).

I put the fixes in the folders he recommended, specifically the ones in the Run Once & Add Ons folders that are referenced in the batch files.

This time around I had WMP11 and it's fixes in the WMP11 folder and allowed it to be installed via his Run1_XP-64.bat file. But then once I was in the new install and started WMP11, it wanted to be validated. The next time, I went back to using WMP11 Slipstreamer to integrate the WMP11 fixes and slipstream it into the installation folder before running nLite, and it worked without asking for validation.

So basically, I'm back to it working but still without any drivers. Have you had luck integrating drivers in that particular step and if so, which ones?

Also, it still skips/ignores VistaCodecs at the tail end of the AddOns. And I know it's getting skipped because there is no Start Menu folder for it. Not one of the worst things it's done to me, but weird since I seem to remember it working on one of the earlier successes.

I always have my automatic updates set to ask me before doing anything. With this slipstreamed installation, will it want to add any/all updates that aren't included in the process?

On a side note, whenever I have done a reinstallation of the OS, I have had to reinstall (or repair) things like Office 2007 and Photoshop even though they are on another drive because they don't appear to be able to automatically update the new registry when they're opened. If there were some way to at least reference the current installation with nLite, if not directly slipstream it, I wouldn't have to reinstall all those other apps. Any way to do this?


arpharazon, it looks like you are making progress. Now comes the time for my confession. I have not installed an nLited disk on real hardware. I am waiting for AMD to come out with the CPU I want, then I'm ready to go. I do install VMware's audio driver via nLite and that goes fine. I know many people (including Kurt_Aust, I think) are regularly installing on hardware with good success. You might ask him (via PM) about this and the VistaCodecs problem. I usually watch his Run1 execute and can see when something goes bad and figure what happens. You ask a good question about applications on another HDD. I don't have any help for you but would think that many face this condition. I suggest you open a separate thread on this subject alone. You certainly can simply install them using WPI of Run1 during your OS install. Please do open a new thread. Automatic updates will run just as on any machine. When I install on VMware, I usually get a Windows Update pop-up with updates. Enjoy, John.


At various points, while watching the install dialogue, I have seen it have problems finding the file (in one case where I forgot to put the file in the AddOns folder), but with VistaCodecs, it hesitates on that line for a moment and then continues on. No error message, but also no installation either.

The apps on another HDD thing isn't really limited to vLite installations, I'll look into putting it into a more general area.


arpharazon, I failed to mention that you could remove the silent switches from the VistaCodecs install and watch it go. Some installers have /passive which does not ask for input but displays messages. Kurt_Aust is big on this. Enjoy, John.

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