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using setup options (general question)

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Hi everybody,

I found WPI a couple of days here. After trying a few small simple installsamples i have the following question:

Is it poosible to use the setupoptions of a program in WPI? E.g. no Google-Toolbar installation, no automatic update and some other options depending the installed program?

After searching the forum I found Automate-It. Is this the only way to use alle the Setup-options a programm offers?



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After searching the forum I found Automate-It. Is this the only way to use alle the Setup-options a programm offers?

Of course not.

Depending on the installer you have more or less possibilities.

Here are some examples:


msiexec /i "!CD!\********.msi" ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress /passive /norestart /qb

You can also create a transform-file with all informations


"!CD!\********.exe" /S

Installs all - no other options possible



Install all - with arguemnt /SAVEINF="settings.inf" you can store you changes and use them later with /LOADINF="settings.inf"

"!CD!\********.exe" /SILENT /NOCANCEL /NORESTART /SP- /COMPONENTS="********" /TASKS="" /LANG="********" /PASSWORD="********" /DIR="%PROGRAMFILES%\********"

Some more switches - I get the necessary values bythe SAVEINF-arguemnt


"!CD!\********.exe" -r

Create a file with all informations (can be found in c:\windows\setup.iss)

"!CD!\********.exe" -s -f1"!CD!\setup.iss" -f2"%WINDIR%\Temp\********.log"

Run the setup with the created setup-file.

To find application-switches I use appdeploy.com


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