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TimeZone is incorrect after inegrated by nLite


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I use the Integrate cd setup my WinXP Pro,in the winnt.sif file,TimeZone=210 (here is China),and during setup,I select的 Beijing TimeZone, But after setup completed, I find that System TimeZone is incorect:TimeZone has changed to another country(喀布尔)。

How can I deal this problem?


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HAHAHAHHA you got sent to another country like a lot of us have!!! (Most of us went to Kabul...)

Actually it is one of the hofixes. MS added in a bunch of timezones and f'ed up all the codes with it.

I am not sure which one it is but a good search in the nLite section will provide your answer, or someone that knows it off of the top of their head might be kind enough to post it....

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HAHAHAHHA you got sent to another country like a lot of us have!!! (Most of us went to Kabul...)

Actually it is one of the hofixes. MS added in a bunch of timezones and f'ed up all the codes with it.

I am not sure which one it is but a good search in the nLite section will provide your answer, or someone that knows it off of the top of their head might be kind enough to post it....

It's aslo Kabul in China. HaHa, it seem to be a same problem.

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Just to set thing straight again for my post #5, Dec 08 KB955839 still put my timezone to Kabul.

Well I realised I put KB955839 in wrong folder. When put in correct folder, it works correctly. (I'm using HFSlip). Sorry about that.

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  • 2 months later...

One thing I have noticed after integrating 955839 is that, although the time zone is correct (in my case, it's "Central Time (U.S. and Canada)"), a fresh install of XP using the nLite'd source during the Extended Daylight Saving Time periods:

1) 2nd week of March thru 1st week of April


2) Last week of October thru 1st week of November

...results in "Central Standard Time" instead of "Central Daylight Time."

If I try to reinstall 955839, I get an error stating that the patch has already been installed or has been superseded. However, an install of 951072v2 works and correctly changes the Time Zones...

Any ideas?

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killerb255, please attach (not paste) your Last Session.ini. Make sure to always start with a fresh copy of your CD files/folders, do all your work in one nLite session and integrate only one SP. Please report when you have a solution, so others can benefit. Enjoy, John.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi killerb255, This message might be little late for you, but anyway.

I solve that Kabul-problem using nLite StandardHotFixing. At the first I slipstream everything else hotfixes, addons and update packs, but KB955839 and the second round I use advance mode and disable Direct Hotfixing Integration just for KB955839.

I am not sure it that right way, but Windows update does not offer that hotfix anymore and Time zone is correct.

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