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Anyone having trouble with new update 952069?

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Hey guys I'm having trouble slipstreaming Security Update for Windows XP Service Pack 3 with Hf Slip 1.7.8 I put it in my HF folder but it does not seem to want to take the update after installation.

The file I downloaded is 6.2 Mb I'm pretty sure I downloaded the right file.

Anyone having trouble slipstreaming it

MS issued 5 updates as of last night, I was able to Slipstream 4 but I tried twice with KB952069 and I can't get it to work....any ideas?

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how do you know that it perhaps doesn't take the update after installation? if you tried to install the patch manually on your (with this patch slipstreamed) windows installation, the patch always says "installation was successful" but if you already have the updates files, no files/registry hives are changed by the patch.

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I had the same problem with HFSLIP and XP sp3. I extracted the KB952069 hotfix then searched for the filenames wmvcore.dll, wmnetmgr.dll and logagent.exe and found them in the windows system32 folder of my install. They were all file version and the hotfix files are, so they are not being copied or are being overwritten somehow. You can fix this one of several ways. To fix your current install just copy the extracted hotfix files to the system32 folder and reboot. Windows update should no longer complain. For future installs, you can shorten the hotfix name to kb952069 and place it in the HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder to have it installed by svcpack.inf at T-13. Or you can compress the three files with makecab and place them in the replace\i386 folder. I tried the latter and it worked, but I did have one strange thing happen. WU said I needed the December malicious software tool even though it was slipstreamed. I ran the tool, rebooted and WU no longer complained. Don't know what happened there.

Edit: I just use media player 9 so I used the files in the wm9 folder of the extracted hotfix.

Edited by krose
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i installed the patch on this system by simply executing the file, no switches. In Control Panel > Software the patch is shown, on Microsoft Update Histoy it isnt listed. however, the files in my system32 are updated. i used the german version.

after checking what slipstreaming the patch into xp prof sp3 source i saw that this patch is not really slipstreamed like SP3 get slipstreamed. this patch added some directories (for each main wmp release) in \I386 and uses the SVCPACK directory. perhaps its not correctly developed - like SP3 at the very early hours ;)

i'll test my patch slipstreamed unattended cd now.

Edited by an3k
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i just used it on hfsvcpack_sw1 it installed but then asked me for the december malicious tool..im going to try reslipstreaming that malicious tool kb

edit: after looking at the release date 890830 got updated to version 2.5 it is not the same as the november one

i will try to slip it with 952069 in hf_svcpack_sw1 and 890830 v2.5 i the hf

will report back in 45 minutes

Edited by anthonyaudi
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Ok so news on the new updates

addiing 952069 to the hfsvcpack_sw1 and adding the NEW 890830 VERSION 2.5 to the hf folder got me to have all updates done

so if u want to have all updates

u need to dl the december version of 890830 which is version 2.5 7.x mb

and put 952069 in hfsvcpack_sw1

this is done with hfslip 1.7.8

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