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Codec needed for XP and Media Player


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I have a laptop in which I routinely swap internal harddives. Both drives have the exact same OS(XP Home) and both have Windows Media Player 11 installed. One hard drive will run .MPG/MPEG movies just fine, but the other one just shows those swirly clips. Audio good for both. Apparently I'm missing a Codec, and Google is not turning up concrete solutions. Does anyone nkow where to find the right drivers(aside from MS)? I've reinstalled WMP 3 times from their site with the same results. Thanks.

Best, Paul

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I suppose, but every other player I've tried will play .MPGs. Supposedly MMP will also. It does on one drive, just not the other. I'm missing something, and read(Google of course) that a lot of people have trouble with this file type and WMP. FWFW, I can't load a file into Movie Maker either, as it too rejects the file type. I did see someone say that MS wants to sell the proper drivers, that's why I'm avoing them. You'd think they'd include them for that file type. In fact, it's shown in the supported file typs when installing WMP 11. AAR, thanks for the reply Aahmad.

Best, Paul

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It's funny, but I ran the Gspot program, and it told me exactly the same thing it told me about 3 weeks ago :D:D . Forgot that I had done that. AAR, MMP was missing the DivX 5.0.5 codec. I already had the installer for the latest version of DivX sittng on the desktop, but hadn't yet installed it. All installed now, and working like a charm. MPGs actually run!! Thanks again guys. :thumbup .

Best, Paul

Edited by paullyboy
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