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1st attempt, but not working

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jcarle et al,

I've had a go at trying to create my .ul file and I believe all is ok, but for some reason WUD will not see the file, no matter which location I place the file.

The code I have used is: (a simple x3 o2k3 updates)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<updatelist product="MS Office 2003" platform="x86" language="ENU" lastupdate="2008-11-10" xmlns="http://wud.jcarle.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://wud.jcarle.com http://wud.jcarle.com/wud.xsd">

<!-- Created by oioldman -->

<category id="1">Office 2003 x86 Critical Updates</category>
<category id="2">Office 2003 x86 Important Updates</category>
<category id="3">Office 2003 x86 Recommended Updates</category>
<category id="4">Office 2003 x86 Service Packs</category>

<update id="KB943973" category="3" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-011.mspx" publishdate="2008-02-12">
<title>Security Update for Microsoft Works Suite 2005 (KB943973)</title>
<description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Works File Converter Could Allow Remote Code Execution (947081)</description>
<update id="KB947650" category="2" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-019.mspx" publishdate="2008-04-08">
<title>Security Update for Microsoft Office Visio 2003 (KB947650)</title>
<description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Visio Could Allow Remote Code Execution (949032)</description>
<update id="KB950241" category="1" article="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-026.mspx" publishdate="2008-05-13">
<title>Security Update for Microsoft Office Word 2003 (KB950241)</title>
<description>Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (951207)</description>

saved as a .ul file, but it will not be seen when i open the application.

Any pointers appreciated as would like to understand this.

Want to update a couple to help others as they have me in creating this app.


NeilW aka oioldman

attached for preview to make easier to highlight my mistakes etc etc


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After you've finished your UL file, save it with a UL extension. Then you must ZIP this file and rename the .zip extension to .ulz. After which you'll be able to double click it and it will place the UL file in the correct location and be seen by WUD.

I tested your UL and it's fine. I would suggest however that you name your categories as follows to avoid repetition for legibility :

<category id="1">Critical Updates</category>
<category id="2">Important Updates</category>
<category id="3">Recommended Updates</category>
<category id="4">Service Packs</category>

Edited by jcarle
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cheers jcarle, and sorry for delay been away for while.

those steps regarding the save as & zip as etc i don't recall seeing in the steps so will have another go and see what happens.

woohoo the last step of the save as .ul & then zip up as .zip and then rename as .ulz has made it all work

thank you fella and all for looking and chipping in.

Edited by oioldman
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