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Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP17) [Released: September 21, 2008]

What is CCCP?

The full title is the Combined Community Codec Pack. Actually, it's more a filter pack than a codec pack, but filter doesn't begin with C and we wanted a good acronym. The name is also a pun on the Russian name for USSR, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, abbreviated as "СССР". Should you be appalled by this choice of name, Blame movax.

Jokes aside, the CCCP was created to replace the video playback packs provided by several anime fansub groups in favor of a single reliable pack capable of decoding practically any groups' files - without breaking compatibility for other formats. Since then it has grown into a pack that can decode more or less anything that you will run into during your travels on the internet.

Why should I use CCCP?

Why CCCP? Because it achieves as much as possible with as little as possible. Other codec packs tend to either randomly not work, break the system, or install far too much cruft. With the CCCP, you know that when you install it properly, it just works. You don't need to mess around in the options to get it to work, and chances are it will resolve any other conflicts on install as well. CCCP was invented so you can "Uninstall everything else, install the pack and live happily ever after". That being said, for the adventurous there are pages of options available to tweak if you feel like it.

What's new :: Changelog

File size :: 6.56 MB (6,881,962 bytes)

MD5 :: 735E7B96B8D287B2DD9ACD66D9A68953

Main :: ifile.it

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