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Apply categories to folders in Windows Explorer

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Posted (edited)

Searched for this as a previous tweak here, couldn't find it... sorry if it's old hat to anyone! :)

I had this crazy idea the other day... lots of people know the property sheet guid for Author, Title, etc. is {883373C3-BF89-11D1-BE35-080036B11A03}. These properties are stored as alternate data streams in the file. You can right-click just about any file, go to properties, and you'll see a 'Summary' tab where you can set these (and an advanced button to access a few more).

Knowing only the basics of ADS, I wondered if folders could have them. So I went to the following registry key:





... and added {883373C3-BF89-11D1-BE35-080036B11A03} as a sub-key. I figured I would either have the coolest tweak I'd seen in a long time, or my hard drive would melt. Lo 'n Behold, it worked! Now I can select a dozen folders, right-click, and set categories!!

What's the point? See picture:




Add the column 'categories' (mine is sized to be hidden), and pick 'show in groups'. Voilà!

The property sheets:

FolderPropsSummary.png      FolderPropsSummary2.png


Complete registry file follows... copy and paste into a file called categories.reg; right-click and 'merge'.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Summary Properties Page"


Edited by SngBrdb
Added images back now that uploads are allowed

Posted (edited)
Searched for this as a previous tweak here, couldn't find it... sorry if it's old hat to anyone! :)

! To look at this, it seems obvious... once you actually see it.

But honestly I never would have thought of it.

AFAIK this is 100% original and all yours, and it's really nice.

General note: XP only


By the way here it is in INF format

HKCR,"Folder\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\{883373C3-BF89-11D1-BE35-080036B11A03}",,,"Summary Properties Page"

Edited by fdv
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi SngBrdb,

Many many thanks! :thumbup For a long time I have quietly cursed the lack of a Properties page for Explorer folders, as I use file Summary fields (Subject, Author, Title, Comments, etc) extensively. Now I can add these fields to my folders as well as files, giving me the ability to sort & group properly (I use Directory Opus, which allows mixing files and folders).

This was such a magical advance in my work process that I had to take time to register on this forum in order to thank you. Major kudos and thanks!

Bruce Clemence

  • 9 months later...

fdv says it only works in XP... not sure why that would be, but I'm guessing that Vista uses a different property handler to retrieve and display this information in explorer.

Some initial digging led me here: http://blogs.msdn.com/benkaras/archive/200...accomplish.aspx

From the article:

The list of properties to show in the preview pane is determined by a "proplist" in the registry filed under your filetype's progid. If the proplist isn't found, the system will fall back to a number of places, but usually settles on HKCR\*. Take a look at PreviewDetails and FullDetails. Follow that format to specify a fully list of properties that you want to see for your file type. I'll be covering the details later in this series.

The CLSID is not mentioned in the documentation at the moment, but it's pretty easy to find. I just opened regedit and looked for the property handler for .doc files. Since you're also using OLE Compound Documents, the handler works for you too.

I think what he's saying is to look at HKCR\*, and there should be a PreviewDetails and FullDetails section, similar to PropertySheetHandler on XP? And under there you would see how to set your own properties for the Folder file type.

I would then navigate to HKCR\Folder and try to mimic what you're seeing under HKCR\*, making sure there is a 'category' property?

The article here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb...28VS.85%29.aspx may provide some useful insights.

Without Vista to play with, that is my best guess... post here if you come up with something that works!

  • 6 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 9/29/2008 at 1:43 PM, SngBrdb said:

Searched for this as a previous tweak here, couldn't find it... sorry if it's old hat to anyone! :)

I had this crazy idea the other day... lots of people know the property sheet guid for Author, Title, etc. is {883373C3-BF89-11D1-BE35-080036B11A03}. These properties are stored as alternate data streams in the file. You can right-click just about any file, go to properties, and you'll see a 'Summary' tab where you can set these (and an advanced button to access a few more).

Knowing only the basics of ADS, I wondered if folders could have them. So I went to the following registry key:


... and added {883373C3-BF89-11D1-BE35-080036B11A03} as a sub-key. I figured I would either have the coolest tweak I'd seen in a long time, or my hard drive would melt. Lo 'n Behold, it worked! Now I can select a dozen folders, right-click, and set categories!!

What's the point? See picture:

I would love to see the picture!!


Add the column 'categories' (mine is sized to be hidden)

how do you do this, and... why? 


Edited by mrjonnyHello
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

When I originally posted this, you could only link to images, not upload them - the site I had them listed on is long gone.  But you're in luck, I can upload them now :)




To group by the column in Windows 7, right-click the background in Windows Explorer and click "Group By".  In the list of columns displayed, check "Category".  Then right-click the background in Windows Explorer and click "Group By" to select "Category", because Microsoft <_<  After that, you can right-click the headers and uncheck "Category" from the displayed columns; the Group By Category will remain.

If you get this to work in Win7 or later, let me know what you had to do!


Edited by SngBrdb
Missed answering a question
  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Hey, I've altered the system registry and actually managed to insert the Summary in folders Properties pages (I'm using windows 10). However, the "description" column is quite scarse and unchangable! I've tried so many different registry alterations but none of them has given any results.



I was wondering if you might have any insights on how to fix this...... it's kind of a big deal to me at the moment

Edited by okkanii

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