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microsoft office errors. related to nlite?


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i've run into a number of errors with microsoft office (2003 and 2007):

-attempting to load the visual basic editor yields an error: out of memory.

-one particular excel add-in yields an error: unexpected error (50001).

-access crashes when trying to create or open databases.

could these problems be linked to nlite? things seem to work on an older nlited system. it's true that this latest nlited version is slimmer than the previous one, but i can't think of anything that might affect office. any ideas?

thanks. :)

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ok, no idea what's going on. i spent the whole night removing different components (created 10 or so coasters, too), but i keep running into the same error.

here's what i did:

1. copied the source from an nlited cd.

2. ran nlite.

3. removed various components, specified tweaks, etc.

4. burned iso.

5. installed xp in virtual pc 2007.

6. installed office 2003.

7. loaded excel 2003. hit alt + f11 to bring up the visual basic editor.

8. ran into 'out of memory' error.

i give up. i'll just have to find another way to use office.

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1. Start with a clean XP source, not a previously nLite'd source.

2. Create ISO files and have your virtual software boot from that. No need to create "coasters".

3. If issues persist, attach your preset so we can see what's being removed.

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1. Start with a clean XP source, not a previously nLite'd source.

actually, i didn't have the original, so i had to make do with one that had already been modified. but i just made incremental changes until i ended up with the best configuration.

i managed to figure out what the problems were:

-vba for office applications requires the application compatibility patch. removing this patch will cause the 'out of memory' error whenever the visual basic editor is opened.

-microsoft access requires the jet database engine. without it, access crashes on creating or opening a database.

these should be added to the descriptions in nlite.

also, it seems my xp didn't like my hacked comctl32.dll, a file that is admittedly notorious for causing problems, from what i've read.

2. Create ISO files and have your virtual software boot from that. No need to create "coasters".

i didn't know this until you pointed it out, but this has been immensely useful. i must have gone through twenty iterations, and this made the process much simpler.

thanks again, strotee76!

Edited by dreamz
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