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Which Component to do not Remove to Keep Windows Contact


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I am quite sure that it should be Windows Mail. I kept Mail, because I use it and I still have got contacts.

yes ,it's in windows mail . I am quite agree with you!

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Maybe Mail because of the Address book but keep your eye on Windows Collaboration as well, it says:

"Peer To Peer, infrastructure to support serverless presence, app invite, contacts and people near me."

Please post when you see which of these two so that I can make description more clear.

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  • 1 month later...
Maybe Mail because of the Address book but keep your eye on Windows Collaboration as well, it says:

"Peer To Peer, infrastructure to support serverless presence, app invite, contacts and people near me."

Please post when you see which of these two so that I can make description more clear.

after making some tests, it's only windows mail not windows collaboration

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