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Similar Topics seems to always pick from Funny Farm


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You know, it's something I've noticed at the bottom of every thread. "Similar topics". While it may become useful, most of the time it seems to be digging out posts from the Funny Farm forum, not the same forum (where I'd expect similar topics to be). Most of the time they're completely irrelevant.

Here are some example topics (although I get the odd feeling you can look anywhere):


Funny Farm Hospital Updates 8th January 2003 - 02:25 PM

Funny Farm Differences between "Setup" and "Install" 24th May 2008 - 07:43 AM

The Poll Center Fat EXE or setup program 9th April 2004 - 02:13 AM

Funny Farm HACK: iPod into iPod shuffle 30th January 2005 - 09:52 PM

Funny Farm how to hack a coke machine 29th April 2005 - 03:48 PM

(I'm not about to do the above cleanup/formatting for each one... but I did this one just to preserve it in case this gets fixed)

http://www.msfn.org/board/My-son-is-pressi...XP-t118407.html (3 funny farm "similar topics")

http://www.msfn.org/board/Windows-Installe...rs-t118286.html (3 funny farm ones again)

http://www.msfn.org/board/Can-Not-create-n...er-t118389.html (the only one IS a funny farm post)

And I just practically went straight down the WinXP forum topic listing there. :P

Bit of a problem, euh?

Edited by Volatus
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What is funny is that I also noticed the same thing, and was thinking of writing this... but I was too lazy. :)

And even funnier (now) is the bottom of THIS thread. ;)


Edited by GrofLuigi
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I'm guessing that this is because the logic used to determine "similar topics" returns results with at least some weight given to the "first" results as opposed to the "best" results. Since the Funny Farm is one of our first forums it will tend to rise to the top of that heap. Perhaps we can tweak how the results are calculated.

And even funnier (now) is the bottom of THIS thread. ;)
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Well, IMO, an easy, quick, and quite functional solution would be to restrict "similar topic" location to the forum this topic is located in... besides, similar topics would be in the forum this topic is posted in, right? ;)

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