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Can I still run XP!?


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Hey Everyone. :hello:

I installed Windows Vista Home Premium not to long ago (It's working alright, but I still miss XP. :P). Well, in the new boot manager I noticed it had the option between Vista and "A previous version of Windows". When I try to boot "A previous version of Windows" it says I'm missing hal.dll. Which I read is an error you get with XP if the boot file is messed up. So is there anyway I can fix this so that I can run XP and Vista?



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Its possible to have options in the boot menu for operating systems that are not present on the system. My computer gives me to option to boot into Server 2003 Enterprise, but its not installed anymore so it wouldn't load.

So you did an upgrade installation of Vista? Did you select the option to keep the existing Windows when you installed Vista? If you didn't, or don't see an additional Windows folder in the C drive, then you won't be able to do it.

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Its possible to have options in the boot menu for operating systems that are not present on the system. My computer gives me to option to boot into Server 2003 Enterprise, but its not installed anymore so it wouldn't load.

So you did an upgrade installation of Vista? Did you select the option to keep the existing Windows when you installed Vista? If you didn't, or don't see an additional Windows folder in the C drive, then you won't be able to do it.

Yeah, I think you're right. But, I upgraded it and there is no second Windows folder.

Thanks though. I can live with Vista. :P

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Sounds like Vista saw you had another OS but wrote over it. If it still listed it in your boot options, Vista needs this part of the installation improved/fixed.

If you're starting to second guess your choice of moving to Vista, try disabling Aero (the 3d theme) and the side bar (aka widget bar). Those two items will speed up Vista a lot and reduce memory usage. Of course install SP1 too, but hopefully you've already done that (you shouldn't even wonder if you should install a SP, it's ALWAYS a good idea).

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