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Here's how to Fix WMI Event ID 10, "InstanceModificationEven

Bilar Crais

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I'm having problems with the offending files reappearing in the folder after restart, what am I doing wrong?

First stopped the WMI

then took ownership of the files

after which I backed them up in different location and deleted from the initial folder

restart computer and the files are back where they were

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  • 3 weeks later...

so the thread kind of died here.

I followed the instructions, but, like Jamu, the files do seem to reinstall themselves on my machine.

how can i delete them permanently?

and yes, microsoft does need to get off its a** and do something about this clusterf**k of an error.

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Hey pinkbits whoever you are, if you don't want to help people, don't join forums people use to post requests for help. Someone who doesn't know how to run a batch file or change file permissions isn't de facto idiotic - more likely just doesn't have endless hours to muck around with bits and pieces of broken Vista. He or she may be a genius for all you know. The guy from Sweden is 16, asked for advice in a very polite way, and didn't deserve your pompous, sarcastic response. Nor is it for you to tell people when they are allowed to ask for help. Stay off the forum and leave it to people who are happy to share problems and solutions with a good grace. I'm sure we can all do without your cruddy little batch file - which, incidentally, is as cackhanded a kludge as I've ever seen. And it isn't coded but scripted - I'm not going to answer idiotic questions from you about the difference, either.

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  • 7 months later...
I've successfully got rid of this one:

Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

Boot into safe mode. First, open services and stop the Windows Management Instrumentation Service. Take ownership of the folder or the contents of the folder "C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository." I've done this three times now on different installs and didn't have any issues after doing this, but I suggest you back up the folder to be certain. Delete the contents of the folder. Reboot. When you boot into Vista, you might notice a half dozen or so application errors...it's OK.

Reboot again, and Event ID 10 will be gone, along with the afore mentioned application errors.

Good luck, I'm not responsible for you hosing your system, & all that.

Boot into safe mode. First, open services and stop the Windows Management Instrumentation Service. Take ownership of the folder or the contents of the folder "C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository." Delete the contents of the folder. Reboot.

Thanks a lot. That is all it took to fix the problem for me. I didn't get any of the subsequent errors you mention - just pure joy after struggling my arse off with lots of work backing up in my inbox!



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  • 1 year later...

Hey pinkbits whoever you are, if you don't want to help people, don't join forums people use to post requests for help. Someone who doesn't know how to run a batch file or change file permissions isn't de facto idiotic - more likely just doesn't have endless hours to muck around with bits and pieces of broken Vista. He or she may be a genius for all you know. The guy from Sweden is 16, asked for advice in a very polite way, and didn't deserve your pompous, sarcastic response. Nor is it for you to tell people when they are allowed to ask for help. Stay off the forum and leave it to people who are happy to share problems and solutions with a good grace. I'm sure we can all do without your cruddy little batch file - which, incidentally, is as cackhanded a kludge as I've ever seen. And it isn't coded but scripted - I'm not going to answer idiotic questions from you about the difference, either.


I am so right behind you on this one, it's not funny! This has been one of my pet-peeves with various fora for a long time now - and I specifically signed-up for this forum just to reply to, and endorse, your comment.

@Everybody who reads this.

Everything I have learned, literally everything, has come about because I read something that someone else had published - like these fora - or someone has taken me by the hand and guided me along the path of righteousness, so to speak. And for all of this, by all of the nameless people who have been of assistance, (like the creator of this thread), I am eternally grateful.

I have been messing with this stuff for more than 30 years now - and I still don't know everything. I, too, depend on the generosity of the people on fora like this to help guide my path at times.

Because of this, it behooves us to walk gently and remember to be patient with those who come after us. Remember: You were once a wet-behind-the-ears noob too, and you likely came to fora (or people) like this and asked similarly "idiotic" questions. And chances are that some nameless hero took you and guided you by the hand through, (what seemed to you at that time), an endless morass.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, we need to be "heroes" for the newcomers.

What say ye?



Edited by jharris1993
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  • 8 months later...

is there an offical fix for this yet? im having the same problem does the fix you people have posted fix the problem? sorry im a nub when i comes to pc tec :)

Thanks in advance

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  • 1 year later...


Coming along to this thread late because I've seen this error for a long time, but ignored it pretty much as it's a harmless warning.

MS have published a KB on the issue here


I also strongly recommend you don't follow the previous advice in this thread about deleting the WMI repository or you can end up with a load of other things not working properly, for instance office activation. There's some details on that here


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