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FireFox + Extensions + Theme all Unattended


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I was having trouble installing FireFox with my own extensions and themes silently so I created a script that makes it much easier for me to manage. the best part is you never have to edit the script when you add new extensions and themes

Step 1: Create a folder to use for FireFox setup files (example: $OEM$\Setup\FireFox)

Step 2: Create a sub folder called addons (example: $OEM$\Setup\FireFox\Addons)

Step 3: Download all the extensions you want to silently install to the Addons folder (example: $OEM$\Setup\FireFox\Addons\MyExtension.xpi) DO NOT CHANGE THE EXTENSION

Step 4: Repeat Step 3 with the themes you which to install

Step 5: Download the FireFox setup file you would like to use and place it in the "$OEM$\Setup\FireFox" Folder Not the addons folder

Step 6: Download the file below and place it next to the FireFox setup file

Notes: The FireFox setup file can be renamed to anything you would like just do not edit the description of the file or the company name in the properties this is how my script finds the file

all you have to do from your unattended setup is call Install_FireFox, no switches or codes to deal with.

attached is the Source file coded in AutoIt for those who would like to see how this is done.

Exe File:



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I was very happy to find this script. But after following the instructions and running the install_firefox.exe I recieved and AutoIt Error message.


Error: Variable used without being declared.

After looking at the source code. I see line 1 is

#include <File.au3>

Does it have something to do with that line? I copied the "File.au3" to the same folder as the Install_Firefox.exe is in to see if maybe it was not finding that file. Did not help, same error message.

I have version of AutoIt. I hope this is an easy fix. This would really help with reinstalling Firefox. I have a lot of extensions.

Also I am currently not using this in an unattended setup. I am just running the install_firefox.exe file. I have the same directory structure. It will work this way right? I plan to use it in an unattended setup in the future.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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This can be done WAY! easier... All you have to do is extract the setup.exe and sub-folders from the firefox installer and copy your extension folders, search plugins, bookmarks.html and themes to their respective places in these folders

setup.exe will install anything in them, here is a editable firefox addon you can add your themes and stuff just by dragging and dropping them into the opened with WinRAR SFX (you can even set a default theme on 1st launch)


Edited by ricktendo64
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  • 7 months later...
This can be done WAY! easier... All you have to do is extract the setup.exe and sub-folders from the firefox installer and copy your extension folders, search plugins, bookmarks.html and themes to their respective places in these folders

setup.exe will install anything in them, here is a editable firefox addon you can add your themes and stuff just by dragging and dropping them into the opened with WinRAR SFX (you can even set a default theme on 1st launch)


Could you please update your link? I would like to see what you have.

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