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Problems with Microsoft Update on first boot


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I've just installed windows with my new HFSLIP'd disc...

Went to Microsoft Update to check I hadn't missed anything.

I was faced with this screen:


When I click "Start Now" this screen comes up:


It used to go straight onto scanning for updates?

When I click "continue" this happens:


I've looked up thee error code...

Information I found tell's me to ensure WUAUSERV and BITS are listed under the netsvcs key in registry location HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost

I checked that, and they're both listed there ok.

I checked whether the services were actually running and neither were, I can't manually start the "Automatic Updates" service.

It comes up with error...

"Could not start the Automatic Updates service on Local Computer.

Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service."

Strange thing is that if I restart the machine... it all works fine.

I've attached my log file for you



Edited by zedox
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Not quite sure if I understand your problem, as I don't know if you rebooted after the installation process was done? Always reboot after the installation process is done before doing anything else, such as checking for updates.

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