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Whoa man. What's up with my Wi-Fi?


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So I'm having some connectivity issues with my Wi-Fi.

On my PC I have a Dynex Card from Best Buy (really cheap, yellow & blue packaged ones).

My Desktop goes from having a very good connection to no connection. I have it connecting to a Linksys router. Sometimes the SSID is not even displayed when the connection goes out. The problem is I can always connect to my neighbor's Open wireless at any time. No problem.

I'm thinking its something up with the router, but I have a laptop with an Intel Wi-Fi card that always works with my router.

What can I do to pinpoint the exact problem? It's really weird.

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have you got the latest firmware on the router? or maybe a good open source one like Hyper WRT (if it is a linksys WRT). have you got the lastest drivers for your card? and have you tried googling for problems with that card to see if anyone else has had the problem and maybe even a solution :)

EDIT: also set the logging on the router to full and see if that gives you any clue as to why its dropping, could be something daft like DHCP lease time

Edited by eyeball
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I think you've already figured it out, and perhaps don't know it yet. Let me strip your post down to the salient bits:

So I'm having some connectivity issues with my Wi-Fi.
On my PC I have a Dynex Card from Best Buy (really cheap, yellow & blue packaged ones).
...I have a laptop with an Intel Wi-Fi card that always works with my router.

If the router wasn't working, the Intel card would fail to the router in the same way. There's a reason those Dynex cards are cheap... Get a real WiFi card for the desktop and you'll probably have no problems - I'm guessing your neighbor's router is more forgiving of the Dynex card than yours (for whatever reason), whereas the Intel card is likely better manufactured, the drivers will be better, and as such it works better.

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I agree with cluberti.

So do I. However replacing the card is not an option. I bought it because it worked without any problems (at the beginning).

I have a spare wireless card. A D-Link Extreme G. Atheros chipset. Absolutelly horrible card or drivers. I've also tried a linksys card at the same time when I got the Dynex. Same problem. The Dynex is the only one that I managed to get working (user manual instructions).

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