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Need some help making fully updated XP x86 with add-ons


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ok, I've read around a lot for a while now and tried different bits and pieces (intergrating stuff, making XP extremely lite etc) but now I want to make a sort of 'final' version to use. I'm fine with all the nLiting stuff, making a lite XP etc but it's the updates (which ones and/or packs to use) and add-ons I get confused with

so, if I could get some help with the following it would be great

intergrating all of the latest updates and which ones. I have the last RyanVM pack 2.1.11, and also an update for that pack ( and I've just seen there's a beta 2.2.1b2, if I use that beta pack (should I?) which other packs do I need to use? just that one alone? with the 2.1.11? with the 2.1.11 AND the also, I'm planning on removing Outlook and IE (bad idea removing IE? (not IECore just the brower)), so does it matter if those packs contain updates for either of those?

need help with intergrating a few bits of standard software (latest Firefox and Thunderbird, etc also is it possible to intergrate the latest Live messenger?)

also would like to intergrate some other things like .NET Framework 3.5 and the MS C++ Visual 2005 thing (need it for Sony Vegas)

thanks for any help

Edited by allisd00m
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