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Everything posted by allisd00m

  1. that's def a possibilty, but what confuses me is on an install I made a few months back, it only used around 40mb, and now my "better" and "properly done" install I made recently seems to use over double the resources, that's what I can't understand... that's what lead me to believe maybe there's something that I removed that I shouldn't have and was wondering if anyone else had that problem and knew the solution the trouble is, I could tweak my install here and there to fix it, but I'd need to install this on a RL computer everytime to test the install
  2. thanks for the reply that's what I assumed it would it be like (and was when I first tested it), but for my latest install it seems to be completely off same install: Virtual PC (installed earlier) real life install (installed yesterday, same install just using the classic theme atm) the pf usage in the RL install for some reason is double than it is in VPC, which I've never seen in previous installs I've made
  3. not too long ago, I was messing around with nLite, made an install and then tested them in MS Virtual PC. when I'd test them in VPC, I was surprised how little resources you could get XP to use (was getting it down to around 40mb), but then realised that this was a virtual mchine and when I actually install it on a hard drive it would use a lot more resources. when I actually tested this, I was surprised to find out that it didn't use any more RAM than it did in VPC (around 40-50mb) anyway, I shortly wiped that install because it was mainly just testing (it was only a rough build, I couldn;t even install live messenger without getting some errors, that's why I got rid of it) anyway, now that I'd done enough testing and reading up on which services do what and if they are needed, OK to uninstall or just disable (before I'd just remove the oens that seemed ok (windows update) or search these forums for a simple description), I fine tuned a new install a lot more and got it pretty much perfect for me and only used 37.5-45mb ram in VPC (http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/3256/smallxpjx0.png smallest I've got). last minute earlier on, I decided to load up the last session and just switch the ryanvm update pack I was using to the latest beta, and didn't bother to test it in a VPC, assumed it would be fine anyway, I install that and check the task manager when it boots, and it tells me it's using around 70mb, which it sometimes does on my VPC installs on first boot (after I restart and log in again it's fine) so I thought I'd just restart and it would be OK, anyway I restart and same again, around 70mb, so I put this down to possibly a problem with the update pack (afterall its only beta, plus in VPC with the previous update pack it was using half of that), so I thought I'd install the same build in VPC while editing another nlite install to re-replace the update pack with the older one so I install the current on VPC and to my surprise, it's using only 40mb or so like it should, though it's using double on my "real life" install, so I just decided to wipe and reinstall with my "re-downgraded" install (exact same install just the latest non-beta update pack I was orignally going to use before downloading the beta pack), anyway same again... using around 65-75mb ram on boot... now, if it hadn't of been for that time that I got an install (while just testing) to use the same amount of resources in VPC (40mb or so), I would've just put it down to this being a real life install and not a vitual install, but because of the first situation this has left me confused, because if anything the first situation was just testing stuff with nLite, but now that I've actually done a lot of research and made a "properly done" install, it seems to be using double the resources (also the items in task manager on boot (around 15 running or so) don't add up anywhere near 70mb ram) sorry for the long explanation but anyone else experienced this, and any idea what's going on? cheers in advance for any help
  4. great reply, thanks a lot for all the info
  5. just a couple quick questions that I'm stumped on and hoping someone can give me some simple answers I was going through all services the other night, reading up about every one and testing them, so I can be sure which ones I can remove, or disable in my nLited install first I'll post the settings I did with the services DISABLED • ALERTER • APPLICATION LAYER GATEWAY • APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • AUTOMATIC UPDATES • BACKGROUND INTELLIGENT TRANSFER • CLIPBOOK • COM+ EVENT SYSTEM • COM+ SYSTEM APPLICATION • COMPUTER BROWSER • DISTRIBUTED LINK TRACKING CLIENT • DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION COORDINATOR • DNS CLIENT • ERROR REPORTING • FAST USER SWITCHING COMPATIBILITY • HELP AND SUPPORT • HUMAN INTERFACE DEVICE ACCESS • IMAPI CD-BURNING COM • INTERNET CONNECTION - FIREWALL (ICF) / SHARING (ICS) SERVICE • IPSEC SERVICE • MESSENGER SERVICE • MS SOFTWARE SHADOW COPY PROVIDER SERVICE • NETMEETING REMOTE DESKTOP SHARING SERVICE • NETWORK CONNECTION SERVICE • NETWORK DDE • NETWORK DDE DSDM • NETWORK LOCATION AWARENESS (NLA) • NETWORK PROVISIONING • NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER • PERFORMANCE LOGS AND ALERTS • PRINT SPOOLER • PROTECTED STORAGE • QOS RSVP • REMOTE ACCESS AUTO CONNECTION MANAGER • REMOTE ACCESS CONNECTION MANAGER • REMOTE DESKTOP HELP SESSION MANAGER • REMOTE REGISTRY • REMOVABLE STORAGE • ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS • SECONDARY LOGON • SECURITY ACCOUNTS MANAGER • SERVER • SHELL HARDWARE DETECTION • SMART CARD • SSDP DISCOVERY SERVICE • SYSTEM RESTORE • TASK SCHEDULER • TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER • TELEPHONY • TELNET • TERMINAL SERVICES • UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY • UNIVERSAL PLUG AND PLAY DEVICE HOST • UPLOAD MANAGER • VOLUME SHADOW COPY • WEBCLIENT • WINDOWS FIREWALL/INTERNET CONNECTION SHARING (ICS) • WINDOWS IMAGE ACQUISITION (WIA) • WINDOWS TIME • WIRELESS ZERO CONFIGURATION • WMI PERFORMANCE ADAPTER MANUAL • CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICES • HTTP SLL • LOGICAL DISK MANAGER • LOGICAL DISK MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE • NET LOGON • REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC) LOCATOR • WINDOWS INSTALLER • WINDOWS MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTATION DRIVER EXTENSIONS AUTOMATIC • DCOM SERVER PROCESS LAUNCHER • DHCP CLIENT SERVICE • EVENT LOG • PLUG AND PLAY • REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC) • SYSTEM EVENT NOTIFICATION (SENS) • THEMES • WINDOWS AUDIO • WINDOWS MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTATION • WORKSTATION bascially, everything's been running smoothly, just 2 problems 1. after I did these changes, wmiprvse seems to be starting up with Windows. I noticed this process (whive I've never seen before) when I made an nLited XP to test, and was confused because I had never seen it before and when it started popping up again after changing settings with services, I knew that's why (because my nLited install removed a lot of services) I've looking around and it seems that wmiprvse can come from a lot of things (like certain software installs) but I'm 100% positive that it has something also to do with services after the tests I've done, and I'm wondering if anyone knows which services cause this to start up? at first I automatically assumed WMI Performance Adapter, but after switching that to manual, wmiprsve was still booting with Windows so I ruled that out. what's weird though, is I can't remember where I left off with looking into this, and I just checked my Task Manager and wmiprvse isn't running anymore :S so does it only start when running certain programs or what? I'm stumped, hoping someone can shed some light on it (also thought I would point out, it's never been an option to enable or disable this start up in msconfig) and secondly, a lot more straight forward but I'm no longer getting any tooltips telling me when I cut disconnected (Network Area Cable is unplugged, or whatever that balloon tip thing is that shows), was wondering if anybody knows which service controls this? thanks oh and I'm using XP Pro SP2 x86 if it helps
  6. thanks for the reply and advice I've never used HFSLIP, so I'll go download it now thanks again
  7. ok, I've read around a lot for a while now and tried different bits and pieces (intergrating stuff, making XP extremely lite etc) but now I want to make a sort of 'final' version to use. I'm fine with all the nLiting stuff, making a lite XP etc but it's the updates (which ones and/or packs to use) and add-ons I get confused with so, if I could get some help with the following it would be great intergrating all of the latest updates and which ones. I have the last RyanVM pack 2.1.11, and also an update for that pack ( and I've just seen there's a beta 2.2.1b2, if I use that beta pack (should I?) which other packs do I need to use? just that one alone? with the 2.1.11? with the 2.1.11 AND the also, I'm planning on removing Outlook and IE (bad idea removing IE? (not IECore just the brower)), so does it matter if those packs contain updates for either of those? need help with intergrating a few bits of standard software (latest Firefox and Thunderbird, etc also is it possible to intergrate the latest Live messenger?) also would like to intergrate some other things like .NET Framework 3.5 and the MS C++ Visual 2005 thing (need it for Sony Vegas) thanks for any help
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