darkwraith007 Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Hello everyone,I humbly request some help with my issue, and I will do my best to describe it herein.Stats:nLite v1.4 betaDSL Connection which required DHCPLastSession.ini will be copied and pasted belowI created an install with nLite, and everything goes wonderfully, installed and ready to go, or so I thought.I go to modify my services and I notice that the "DHCP Client" service refuses to start, even when placed in Automatic and even after rebooting.If I try to manually start it, I get an error about 'dependencies' not being ready, something like that.To my knowledge, DHCP Client has the following 'dependencies'-AFD (no clue)-NetBios over TCP/IP-TCP/IP Protocol Driver-IPSEC DriverMy LastSession.ini is pasted below, please if anyone can help me figure out what I removed that messed things up and prevents this service from loading, I can very quickly just modify my install and leave everything else as-is, saving me a bit of time at least. Any sections not listed in this .ini were blank/unused.[Main]Env = 1.4 beta - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2Target = Windows XP Home Edition SP:2 - 5.1.2600.2180 - English (United States)[Tasks]Remove ComponentsUnattended SetupTweaksCreate a Bootable ISOOptions[Components];# Applications #Accessibility OptionsBriefcaseCalculatorCharmapClipBook ViewerGamesInternet GamesPaintPinballScreensaversWordpad;# Drivers #Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)Cameras and CamcordersDisplay AdaptersDisplay Adapters (old)Ethernet (LAN)IBM PS/2 TrackPointIBM ThinkpadLogitech WingManMicrosoft SideWinderModemsMultiFunctionalPortable AudioPrintersScannersSerial Pen TabletSony Jog DialSound ControllersTape drivesToshiba DVD decoder cardWireless Ethernet (WLAN);# Hardware Support #ALI 1535 SMBus Host ControllerALI IDE ControllerBrother DevicesCMD PCI IDE ControllerCPU AMDCPU Transmeta CrusoeFirewire Network supportGravis Digital GamePortIomega Zip driveMulti-port serial adaptersSmart CardsSony Memory StickToshiba PCI IDE ControllerVIA PCI IDE ControllerWindows CE USB Host;# Keyboards #Albanian keyboardArmenian Eastern keyboardArmenian Western keyboardAzeri Cyrillic keyboardAzeri Latin keyboardBelarusian keyboardBelgian (Comma) keyboardBelgian (Period) keyboardBelgian French keyboardBengali (Inscript) keyboardBengali keyboardBosnian keyboardBulgarian (Latin) keyboardBulgarian keyboardCanadian French (Legacy) keyboardCanadian French keyboardCanadian Multilingual Standard keyboardChinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboardChinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboardChinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboardChinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboardChinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboardChinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Array keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboardChinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboardChinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboardChinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboardChinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboardChinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboardChinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboardCroatian keyboardCzech (QWERTY) keyboardCzech keyboardCzech Programmers keyboardDanish keyboardDevanagari - INSCRIPT keyboardDivehi Phonetic keyboardDivehi Typewriter keyboardDutch keyboardEstonian keyboardFaeroese keyboardFarsi keyboardFinnish keyboardFinnish with Sami keyboardFYRO Macedonian keyboardGaelic keyboardGeorgian keyboardGreek (220) keyboardGreek (220) Latin keyboardGreek (319) keyboardGreek (319) Latin keyboardGreek keyboardGreek Latin keyboardGreek Polytonic keyboardGujarati keyboardHebrew keyboardHindi Traditional keyboardHungarian 101-key keyboardHungarian keyboardIcelandic keyboardIrish keyboardJapanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboardJapanese keyboardKannada keyboardKazakh keyboardKorean Input System (IME 2000) keyboardKorean keyboardKyrgyz Cyrillic keyboardLatin American keyboardLatvian (QWERTY) keyboardLatvian keyboardLithuanian IBM keyboardLithuanian keyboardMalayalam keyboardMaltese 47-key keyboardMaltese 48-key keyboardMaori keyboardMarathi keyboardMongolian Cyrillic keyboardNorwegian keyboardNorwegian with Sami keyboardPolish (214) keyboardPolish (Programmers) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboardPortuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboardPortuguese keyboardRomanian keyboardRussian (Typewriter) keyboardRussian keyboardSami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboardSami Extended Norway keyboardSerbian (Cyrillic) keyboardSerbian (Latin) keyboardSlovak (QWERTY) keyboardSlovak keyboardSlovenian keyboardSwedish keyboardSwedish with Sami keyboardSwiss French keyboardSwiss German keyboardSyriac keyboardSyriac Phonetic keyboardTamil keyboardTatar keyboardTelugu keyboardThai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Kedmanee keyboardThai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboardThai Pattachote keyboardTurkish F keyboardTurkish Q keyboardUkrainian keyboardUnited Kingdom Extended keyboardUnited Kingdom keyboardUnited States-Dvorak for left hand keyboardUzbek Cyrillic keyboardVietnamese keyboard;# Languages #;ArabicArabic (Algeria)Arabic (Bahrain)Arabic (Egypt)Arabic (Iraq)Arabic (Jordan)Arabic (Kuwait)Arabic (Lebanon)Arabic (Libya)Arabic (Morocco)Arabic (Oman)Arabic (Qatar)Arabic (Saudi Arabia)Arabic (Syria)Arabic (Tunisia)Arabic (U.A.E.)Arabic (Yemen)Divehi (Maldives)Syriac (Syria)Urdu;ArmenianArmenian;BalticEstonianLatvianLithuanian;Central EuropeAlbanianBosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)CroatianCroatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)CzechHungarianPolishRomanianSerbian (Latin)Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)SlovakSlovenian;CyrillicAzeri (Cyrillic)BelarusianBulgarianFYRO MacedonianKazakhKyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)Mongolian (Mongolia)RussianSerbian (Cyrillic)Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)TatarUkrainianUzbek (Cyrillic);GeorgianGeorgian;GreekGreek;HebrewHebrew;IndicBengali (India)Gujarati (India)HindiKannada (India)KonkaniMalayalam (India)MarathiPunjabi (India)SanskritTamilTelugu (India);JapaneseJapanese;KoreanKorean;Simplified ChineseChinese (PRC)Chinese (Singapore);ThaiFarsiThai;Traditional ChineseChinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)Chinese (Macau S.A.R.)Chinese (Taiwan);TurkicAzeri (Latin)TurkishUzbek (Latin);VietnameseVietnamese;Western Europe and United StatesAfrikaansBasqueCatalanDanishDutch (Belgium)Dutch (Netherlands)English (Australia)English (Belize)English (Canada)English (Caribbean)English (Ireland)English (Jamaica)English (New Zealand)English (Philippines)English (South Africa)English (Trinidad)English (United Kingdom)English (Zimbabwe)FaeroeseFinnishFrench (Belgium)French (Canada)French (France)French (Luxembourg)French (Monaco)French (Switzerland)Galician (Spain)German (Austria)German (Germany)German (Liechtenstein)German (Luxembourg)German (Switzerland)IcelandicIndonesianItalian (Italy)Italian (Switzerland)Malay (Brunei Darussalam)Malay (Malaysia)MalteseMaoriNorthern SothoNorwegian (Bokmal)Norwegian (Nynorsk)Portuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)Quechua (Bolivia)Quechua (Ecuador)Quechua (Peru)Sami, Inari (Finland)Sami, Lule (Norway)Sami, Lule (Sweden)Sami, Northern (Finland)Sami, Northern (Norway)Sami, Northern (Sweden)Sami, Skolt (Finland)Sami, Southern (Norway)Sami, Southern (Sweden)Spanish (Argentina)Spanish (Bolivia)Spanish (Chile)Spanish (Colombia)Spanish (Costa Rica)Spanish (Dominican Republic)Spanish (Ecuador)Spanish (El Salvador)Spanish (Guatemala)Spanish (Honduras)Spanish (International Sort)Spanish (Mexico)Spanish (Nicaragua)Spanish (Panama)Spanish (Paraguay)Spanish (Peru)Spanish (Puerto Rico)Spanish (Traditional Sort)Spanish (Uruguay)Spanish (Venezuela)SwahiliSwedishSwedish (Finland)TswanaWelshXhosaZulu;# Multimedia #ActiveX for streaming videoAOL ART Image Format SupportImages and BackgroundsIntel Indeo codecsLuna desktop themeMouse CursorsMovie MakerMusic SamplesOld CDPlayer and Sound RecorderSpeech SupportWindows Media PlayerWindows Media Player 6.4Windows Picture and Fax ViewerWindows Sounds;# Network #Active Directory ServicesCommunication toolsComtrol Test Terminal ProgramConnection ManagerFrontPage ExtensionsInternet Connection WizardInternet ExplorerInternet Information Services (IIS)IP ConferencingMSMail and MAPIMSN ExplorerNetmeetingNetShell Cmd-ToolNetwork Setup WizardNWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS ProtocolOutlook ExpressPeer-to-PeerShare Creation WizardSynchronization ManagerVector Graphics Rendering (VML)Web FoldersWindows Messenger;# Operating System Options #.NET FrameworkAdministrative TemplatesBlaster/Nachi removal toolColor SchemesCommand-line toolsDesktop Cleanup WizardDisk CleanupDocument TemplatesDR WatsonExtensible Storage Engine (Esent97)Extra FontsFAT to NTFS converterFile and Settings WizardHelp and SupportIExpress WizardInput Method EditorManual Install and UpgradeMS AgentMS XML 2.0Out of Box Experience (OOBE)Private Character EditorRemote Installation Services (RIS)Search AssistantSecurity CenterShell Media HandlerSymbolic Debugger (NTSD)TourUser account picturesVisual Basic 5 runtimeVisual Basic 6 runtimeVisual Basic Scripting supportWeb ViewZip Folders;# Services #AlerterApplication Layer GatewayAutomatic UpdatesDistributed Link Tracking ClientDistributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)Error ReportingFax ServiceHTTP SSLIMAPI CD-Burning COM ServiceIndexing ServiceInternet Authentication (IAS)IPSEC Policy AgentMessengerNet LogonNetwork DDERemote RegistryRemovable StorageRoute Listening ServiceRPC LocatorSecondary LogonService Advertising ProtocolSimple TCP/IP ServicesSystem Restore ServiceTCP/IP NetBIOS HelperTerminal ServicesUniversal Plug and Play Device HostWebClientWindows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS);# Directories #DOCSSUPPORTVALUEADD;# Compatibility #[KeepFiles]ipconfig.exemsconfig.exenet.exenetstat.exeping.exesyskey.exe[RemoveFiles]clock.aviyahoo.bmpswtchbrd.bmp[Options]CABMergeClassicSetupBlackSetupBackDisableFreereqDisableMinMemDupeFilesProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"TargetPath = "WINDOWS"temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\TempNoKeepCpRemoveMUICleanBiosInfoAdvTweaks[Patches]TcpIp = 16777215UsbPoll = 1000DoUxThemeDoSFC[services2]AppMgmt,3BITS,4EventSystem,4COMSysApp,4Browser,4CryptSvc,3DHCP,2DNSCACHE,2Eventlog,2HidServ,4dmserver,3dmadmin,3SwPrv,3Netman,2NLA,2xmlprov,4NtLmSsp,4SysmonLog,4PlugPlay,2Spooler,4ProtectedStorage,4RSVP,4RasAuto,4RasMan,4RemoteAccess,4SamSs,3LanmanServer,4SENS,4Schedule,4TapiSrv,4Themes,4UPS,4VSS,3AudioSrv,2StiSvc,3MSIServer,3winmgmt,2W32Time,3NetBT,4WZCSVC,4WmiApSrv,4LanmanWorkstation,4[Tweaks]Boot and Shutdown-Auto-End tasks immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung applications immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung services immediatelyBoot and Shutdown-Ctrl-Alt-Del at logon-EnabledBoot and Shutdown-Disable automatic restart on System FailureBoot and Shutdown-Disable logging on System FailureBoot and Shutdown-Disable saving Last Good state at bootBoot and Shutdown-Do not Parse Autoexec.batBoot and Shutdown-Logon Page-ClassicBoot and Shutdown-Numlock-OffBoot and Shutdown-Setup Prefetch-Cache-DisabledBoot and Shutdown-Show Administrator on the Welcome ScreenBoot and Shutdown-Status Messages-ExtendedDesktop-Desktop icons size-16Desktop-My Computer icon-ShowDesktop-My Documents icon-ShowDesktop-My Network Places icon-HideDesktop-Recycle Bin icon-ShowDesktop-Show Windows version on DesktopDesktop-Wrap icon titles-EnableExplorer-Add (un)register libraries in Context MenuExplorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure optionsExplorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-DetailsExplorer-Classic Control PanelExplorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut toExplorer-Display the contents of system foldersExplorer-Preset Places Bar to-Desktop, My Computer, My Network Places, C:, D:Explorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive NamesExplorer-Show extensions of known file-typesExplorer-Show hidden files and foldersExplorer-Show protected operating system filesExplorer-Show Statusbar in all windowsExplorer-Show the full path in the Address BarExplorer-Show the full path in the Title BarInternet Explorer-Disable Download Complete notificationInternet Explorer-Disable Go ButtonInternet Explorer-Disable information bar when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Disable Internet Explorer link creationInternet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmarkInternet Explorer-Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarksInternet Explorer-Disable Password-CachingInternet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blockedInternet Explorer-Enable Google URL-SearchInternet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 DaysInternet Explorer-Set Homepage-about:blankInternet Explorer-Set IE-Cache limit to-8 MBInternet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a timeInternet Explorer-Set popup-blocker to highMy Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context MenuMy Computer-Remove Search from Context MenuMy Computer-Remove Shared DocumentsNetwork-Disable administrative sharesNetwork-Disable automatic search for network folders and printersNetwork-Disable DCOM protocol bindingsNetwork-Disable DNS failure cacheNetwork-Disable extra SMB notify-change trafficNetwork-Disable LAN-Manager from caching passwordsNetwork-Disable LM HOSTS lookupNetwork-Disable Microsoft-DS (close port 445 TCP/UDP)Network-Disable restoring mapped network drives on logonNetwork-Disable Simple File SharingNetwork-Hide PC in Workgroups/DomainsNetwork-Remove remote-computer NameSpaceNetwork-Set TCP/IP Priority to 1Performance-Disable Info Tips on Files and FoldersPerformance-Disable Last accessed Timestamp on filesPerformance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idlePerformance-Disable paging of kernel and core-osPerformance-Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut LinksPerformance-Disable Warn on low disk spacePerformance-Disable WBEM loggingPerformance-Do not cache thumbnailsPerformance-Enable USB Idle Endpoint supportPerformance-Minimal Power ManagementPerformance-Processor scheduling-ProgramsPerformance-Run 16-bit Windows applications in a separate processPerformance-Use Windows classic folders / No Tasks SidepanelPrivacy-Disable Driver Update Internet promptPrivacy-Disable File MRU-ListPrivacy-Disable Tracking of most used programsPrivacy-Remove AlexaSecurity-Always show Updates under SoftwareSecurity-Disable DCOMSecurity-Disable ScreensaverSecurity-Disable Web Open With promptSecurity-Disable Windows Script Host (WSH)Security-Screensaver Password-Protection-DisabledStart Menu-Clear most recently opened documents list on logoffStart Menu-Control Panel-Display as a menuStart Menu-Disable and remove Documents list from the Start MenuStart Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programsStart Menu-Disable popup on first bootStart Menu-Do not use Personalized MenusStart Menu-Hide Search button in Start PanelStart Menu-My Computer-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Documents-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Music-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Network Places-Don't display this itemStart Menu-My Pictures-Don't display this itemStart Menu-Network Connections-Link to Network Connections folderStart Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-30Start Menu-Printers and Faxes-Display as a linkStart Menu-Reduce popup delayStart Menu-Remove Pinned Apps List from Start PanelStart Menu-Remove Search the Internet from SearchStart Menu-Remove Set Program Access and DefaultsStart Menu-Remove User nameStart Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcutStart Menu-Use small icons in Start PanelTaskbar-Disable Hide inactive iconsTaskbar-Disable Language-BarTaskbar-Lock the Taskbar-YesVisual Effects-Active window tracking-DisableVisual Effects-Active window tracking speed-SlowVisual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-DisableVisual Effects-Combo box animation-DisableVisual Effects-Cursor shadow-DisableVisual Effects-Display mouse pointer trails-DisableVisual Effects-Fade out selection-DisableVisual Effects-Gradient captions in windows-DisableVisual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-EnableVisual Effects-Menu animation-DisableVisual Effects-Menu shadows-DisableVisual Effects-Menu style-FlatVisual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-DisableVisual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-DisableVisual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-DisableVisual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-StandardVisual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-EnableVisual Effects-Tooltip animation-DisableVisual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-DisableVisual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Disable[unattended]ComputerType = ACPI Multiprocessor PCHibernationNoLogonCount = 1MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12RestorePointLife = 30DefaultThemesOffDefaultStartPanelOffDesktopTheme = Windows Classic|Windows Classic style|NormalAutoUDay = 5AutoUHour = 15ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"CustomNetworkNOMS_MSClientNOMS_SERVERNOMS_PSched[NetAdapter1]connname = ""macaddress = ""ipaddress = ""subnetmask = ""defaultgateway = ""dnsserver1 = ""dnsserver2 = ""winsserver = ""netbiossetting = "2"ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"Thank you for your time, everyone!Have a blessed New Years!
mysticalone Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Try this, Start -> run, type in "devmgmt.msc" without quotes and Device Manager should come up. On the toolbar click View and select "Show hidden devices". Then in the list below expand "Non-plug and play" and find each one of the dependencies in the "NP&P" right-click, choose properties, then choose the "Driver" tab and make sure the "Startup Type" is set to "System" and click start in the "Current Status" area.
darkwraith007 Posted January 1, 2008 Author Posted January 1, 2008 IT WORKED! =DTurns out the culprit was (as I suspected) disabling/removing NETBIOS over TCP/IP. That one was in the non-PnP though and I enabled it as you said, and now the internet works! I'm just glad that somehow it was still in the install and not removed. Thanks!In the future I'd advise anyone to NOT remove anything NETBIOS related and just disable it if you need to, AFTER you install your internet.
TranceEnergy Posted May 30, 2008 Posted May 30, 2008 I usually always disabled/remove netbios, and such things i dont need. Alway worked fine here.I think perhaps your tcp/ip sync limit is a bit high tho, do you really need 16million half-opened connections opened per second?Sounds a bit excessive, even for me. Pre SP1 limit on xp was 65536 and is more then enough.
Udedenkz Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 Hmmm... I don't remember registering here before, well nonetheless.You can modify the registry to disable / remove the STUPID DHCP dependencies and get it to work. Although, Nlite should remove these dependencies automatically - mayhap make it a registry tweak - remove DHCP Client dependencies.
tomzi Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 (edited) I had the same problem, and the solution described in post #2 worked perfectly. The culprit was the netbios driver. I did, however, not change the tcp/ip sync limit, therefore I think it probably doesn't matter.I also noticed something I don't find perfectly logical: using the same settings for removing drivers and services, but changing the service startup states, sometimes the netbios driver startup would be set to system, sometimes to disabled. When I left the startup state for services all on default, the netbios driver would be configured to startup automatically, when, however, I changed several services (dhcp disabled, etc), the netbios driver would be disabled by default. I couldn't pinpoint the settings for exactly which services had an effect on the driver startup state, I stopped searching for it when I found out how to solve the issue. Edited June 11, 2008 by tomzi
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