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install vista updates from .cab files?


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ive had a few problems with updates , so i downloaded the updates in .cab form . how do i go about implementing them into my operating system?

I'm pretty sure that you cannot install updates that are in the .cab form. Those are meant for slipstreaming updates onto the install disk. Try getting the updates from the windows update catalog here. http://test.catalog.update.microsoft.com/

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Ummm, I think you can install updates from .cab files in Vista. See my post here regarding installing DreamScene from cab file:


I read through your posts and I can only find ones regarding using a .cab update to integrate the update and not to install it. Do you have a link to a specific post with how to install a .cab on an already running version of windows?

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You didn't read carefully. It states "The Package Manager command-line options give the following for the /s switch which can be used online or offline (I'm assuming online means while you are using Vista and offline means a mounted image or while in XP).

In the post right after mine by prathapml, he states he installed hold 'em poker using cab file! That shows it can be done. The syntax in that post. You don't need any other reference, but you'll need package manager.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And nevertheless...


@echo off


Set "TempDir=cabtmp"

Set "Log=Log.txt"

mkdir "%TempDir%"

For %%i In (*.cab) Do (

expand "%%i" -f:* "%TempDir%" && Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" expansion - OK || Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" expansion - FAIL

Echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Echo Installing %%i%. Please wait.

pkgmgr /ip /m:"%TempDir%" && Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" installation - OK || Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" installation - FAIL

del /f /s /q "%TempDir%"


rd /s /q "%TempDir%"

Echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Echo Operation completed

Echo Log file created as %Log%

Echo System log can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\cbs\Cbs.log

Echo Now you may close this window


(To put this .bat file into the temp-folder with .cab-file )

For MSU&CAB-files

@Echo Off

Title Installing Windows Vista Updates

For %%F In (MSU\*.msu) Do Call :msin %%F

For %%A In (CAB\*.cab) Do Call :kbin %%A

Shutdown.exe -r -t 1



Start /Wait %1 /quiet /norestart


Start /Wait pkgmgr /ip /m:%1 /quiet /norestart



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I just figured I'd toss this in to help others... (Tested in XP x86)

Obviously you can make scripts to semi-automate this.

Tools Needed:

Vista Source

Windows AIK

Hotfixes in .cab form

The quickest way to integrate *.cab's into Vista is to open a PE Tools Command Prompt (Run it elevated if you're in Vista)


%VDVD% = The Root of the Vista DVD (Local Copy)
%VMount% = Directory that "install.wim" is mounted to
%VUpdates% = Directory holding your .cab files

Ex. (as used on my system)

V:\DVD (where Local Vista source is located)



Prep: Setup Variables for the three directories needed (or replace them with direct paths)

1.) Mount Image (Change Index number to match the version you want to install)

imagex /mountrw %VDVD%\sources\install.wim 4 %VMount%

2.) Import Updates

peimg %VMount%\windows /import=%VUpdates%\*.cab

3.) Install Updates

peimg /install=*Package* %VMount%\windows

4.) Check List

peimg /list /image=%VMount%\windows

5.) Repeat Step 3 with following if needed

peimg /install=*Dream* %VMount%\windows
peimg /install=*Client* %VMount%\windows

6.) Check Error Level

ECHO %ErrorLevel%

7.) If result 0 then:

Go to Step 8

If result "other"

Go to Step 8a


imagex /commit /unmount %VMount%


imagex /unmount %VMount%

Hope this helps...

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  • 7 months later...
And nevertheless...


@echo off


Set "TempDir=cabtmp"

Set "Log=Log.txt"

mkdir "%TempDir%"

For %%i In (*.cab) Do (

expand "%%i" -f:* "%TempDir%" && Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" expansion - OK || Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" expansion - FAIL

Echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Echo Installing %%i%. Please wait.

pkgmgr /ip /m:"%TempDir%" && Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" installation - OK || Echo>> "%Log%" %Time:~0,-3%^>^> "%%i" installation - FAIL

del /f /s /q "%TempDir%"


rd /s /q "%TempDir%"

Echo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Echo Operation completed

Echo Log file created as %Log%

Echo System log can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\cbs\Cbs.log

Echo Now you may close this window


(To put this .bat file into the temp-folder with .cab-file )

For MSU&CAB-files

@Echo Off

Title Installing Windows Vista Updates

For %%F In (MSU\*.msu) Do Call :msin %%F

For %%A In (CAB\*.cab) Do Call :kbin %%A

Shutdown.exe -r -t 1



Start /Wait %1 /quiet /norestart


Start /Wait pkgmgr /ip /m:%1 /quiet /norestart



I want to run my microsoft updates from the command line and this looks like the solution. I am not sure what to do with these. do i need to make 2 batch files or just use the bottom one. I can access an elevated command line etc. also am i right that i copy all the updates in to one folder.


Edited by shoulders
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  • 3 months later...

Let me bump this old topic up as it's something I'm trying to figure out here at work.

Windows updates is disabled via registry/group policy settings. Our lab managers can't change them and are required to update machines with microsoft MBSA 2.1.

The scan runs fine and returns the results saying what patches you need.

Rather than downloading exe updates, it only will download cab files for the MS08-XX update.

Is there any way to get MBSA to download the actual EXE file rather than a cab file or is there something I'm supposed to do in vista to install these updates using the cab files it gets?

I swear 2.1 is the dumbest thing ever. 2.0 worked great, grabbed EXE files and just did what it needed to but it's incompatibility with Vista sucks.

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