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About underdone

  • Birthday 05/09/1988

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  1. That's what I was afraid of. Figured I would give it a shot anyways. Thanks for the help.
  2. I'm trying to connect as n (not b or g). When I get home tonight I will try forcing n only. Although that will break the one other computer that uses it. I have one other machine that connects to the wireless. I have tried disabling it to no avail. I haven't had any problems with wireless on other networks. try it both ways as well, force your router to only b or g and force the wireless card to only do B or G as well, then try forcing N for both. I'm shocked. This router does not allow me to force a certain wireless mode. I've uploaded a screenshot to remove any doubt. edit: I've also tried enabling the so-called "Protected Mode" in the router without any luck.
  3. I'm trying to connect as n (not b or g). When I get home tonight I will try forcing n only. Although that will break the one other computer that uses it. I have one other machine that connects to the wireless. I have tried disabling it to no avail. I haven't had any problems with wireless on other networks.
  4. I have no doubt that the same thing will happen whenever Windows 7 is released. Although, people do seem to be getting over it now that vista SP1 fixed the majority of the issues.
  5. It's a F5D8233-4. http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage...oduct_Id=372043
  6. Totally. But then again, they've always done that. Again, someone today calling XP a "dreadful OS" because the upgrade from Win ME didn't work out so great... The same as people have driver problems causing BSODs -- no way they'd blame the hardware makers, they go on about how windows sucks. It's all MS' fault! MS should consider changing the BSOD so that it clearly states what caused the BSOD in huge letters at the top. This BSOD brought to you by: <Insert Hardware Manufacturer Here>. Then Nothing else on the screen.
  7. I've noticed that a significant number of people who bash vista have either never used it, or only used it for 10 minutes.
  8. That didn't work. I took a screenshot of what it looks like in wireshark. You can seen that about 50 seconds after the computer receives the ARP requests it replies to all of them simultaneously. coudl you attach the screen shot so we can see what you is coming across the wire? also have you updated the firmware for the belkin router? are you allowing windows to manage the wireless connection or is it the wireless software from Lenovo? I added the screenshots to my previous post. If necessary I can post an entire wireshark log. The Belkin router is also running the latest version of the firmware. I'm allowing windows to manage the wireless connection.
  9. That didn't work. I took a screenshot of what it looks like in wireshark. You can seen that about 50 seconds after the computer receives the ARP requests it replies to all of them simultaneously.
  10. Alright, I'll try that when I get home. FYI: IPV6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6 so Internet Protocol is implied when using IPV6 That didn't work. Which kind of makes sense. If it was a problem with the IPV6 stack I have seen the problem across all networks wired and wireless. Any other ideas?
  11. Disable only if you use your computer for gaming but you should experience yourself. I would leave superfetch enabled. Yes, when you first turn your computer on it is going to be loading stuff for a couple minutes, but remember that it makes programs launch faster and the superfetch process runs at the lowest possible priority (ie everything else takes priority).
  12. Check the permissions on the file, could be that only the administrator has read access to it but UAC is failing to prompt you.
  13. Alright, I'll try that when I get home. FYI: IPV6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6 so Internet Protocol is implied when using IPV6
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